Chapter 3

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Few minutes before Jikook's arrival.

Jin hyung sat beside me, and grabbed his drink from the fridge.

"Eww, this tastes like feet." Jin hyung spitted out his drink and made a funny face.

"Hyung you are going to spill the blood on the floor. Why don't you wait for some time, so you can drink Jungkook's blood."

"For what? To make him run away from me?"

"Hyung, he won't if he likes you."

"I don't know Taehyung ah. What if they found out that we- we..."

"Are vampires." I finished his sentence and he slowly nodded.

Our family had been vampires for generations, and we didn't know whether it's a curse or a luck, but our mates are destined to be humans. My mother Kim Jackson was married our father Kim Namjoon, who was a human. And when we were born, we were told that our mate would be a human too.

My father told us that we will know when our mate was born in any part of the world. And that's how I found Jimin. I didn't know how, but my body automatically moved to the hospital room where my mate was born.

He was so cute, his mother was sleeping aside. He had chubby cheeks, cute small eyelashes, his natural black hair with 3 or 4 on his head.

When I touched his cheeks, I felt alive. We vampires don't breathe, but he made me something special. He opened his eyes and cutely yawned, I wished I could slip him inside my pocket. But I need to wait till he turn 20, that's the condition which our father had given us.

Jin hyung and I were so happy that our mates were friends. We always spotted them together playing, studying, living in the same apartment. We killed their parents, when we found that our mates were kicked out from the houses.

The shop where they work was also our shop which we bought for them, when I found them searching for a part-time job. The owner was our uncle Kim Lee, who was also a vampire.

"I know hyung. We have waited so long for this day."

"Aren't you afraid of rejection?"

I snorted at him.

"Why should I? Have you seen my mochi? He is so soft, squishy and innocent. He still believes that Santa is true."

I am telling you, my Jimin is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life.

"Have you seen my mate? He is so muscular and has a well-built body. Sometimes I myself is afraid of him, though I am a vampire."

"He won't hurt you hyung."

"I know. And also this year you are turning 40 Taehyung ah. Get married fast"

"Says the one who is turning 60 soon."

"Aish, but I am still young and the world wide handsome ever." My brother pushed back his imaginary hair.

We vampires stop aging once we turn 25.

"Anyways why did we invite them to the house?"

"To say the truth."

I didn't miss how Jin's eyes widened by my statement.

"What? Are you crazy?"

Jin hyung's eyes widened and got up from the sofa. I chuckled at his behavior.

"Hyung we can't hide it from them. We shouldn't lie."

"I-I know that. But Tae what if they run away?"

I got up and held his shoulder to make him look at me.

"Hyung once they step inside our mansion main gate, they can't go out."

"Tae we are vampires. Not a wizards."

I laughed by his comment. God we are vampires, why the hell is he so afraid?

"Hyung, I know that too. Don't you remember what father told us?"

He looked at me with an innocent look and shook his head.

"He told that once our mates step inside our main house, they will be permanently bounded to us, and can't leave this house without us taking them home."

"Oh so they can go to their houses, but only if we drop them."

"Exactly. God, how come you are the eldest one?"

"Shut up. I-I just forgot."

"Yeah whatever."

We suddenly heard the door bell ringing and we exchanged smirks.

"Now what should we do?"

"Hyung, no matter what happens, we have to make them to step inside our house."

We both made sure we were perfect and opened the door with a smiling face, and looked at my mate who was holding his friend's hand tightly.

I felt something burning inside my stomach.

"Jealousy?" I thought to myself, but shrugged it off.

"Hey." Jin hyung and I said at the same time, and they both smiled and greeted us.

"Ahh, here mister. It would be 50 dollars in total." The bunny guy disturbed me from admiring my beauty.

"Ahh thanks, why don't you come inside, while I bring the money." Jin hyung took the flowers from his mate and started the first move of our plan.

"No, it's okay. Just give us the amount. We will leave."

Wow, Jin hyung was right, this guy looks strong and acts as a one too.

Jin hyung looked at me and I didn't know what to do. I thought it would be easy to get them inside the house.

"Come on, don't be afraid, we are not bad people."

I said and my mate looked at the bunny guy for his approval. He shook his head to Jimin, making me clench my teeth.

"Thank you for your kind gestures but we need to go." I sighed and nodded at my brother. They might find suspicious if we compel them. Jin hyung brought the money from inside though we both had it in our pockets.

All the time, I was looking at Jimin, who was looking so cute in the baby blue sweater. I wish I could keep him with myself.

"Here." Jin hyung gave the money and we both decided that today may not be the day.

"Thank you so much." The bunny guy showed his smile, and my mochi showing his beautiful eye smile.

We both saw them leaving and disappearing outside our main gate. I heard Jin hyung's heavy sigh next to me.

"So, that's it. Our plan didn't work."

"Hyung, I have another plan."

"What is it?"

I smirked at him, and he furrowed his eyebrows by not trusting my words.


The next day, his eyes were so wide when I took him to the place where he never wished to go.

"Oh Tae, please don't tell me I am going to study here. For Vampire sake, I am 60."

We both were standing outside the college where our mates are studying.

Destined To A Vampire | Vmin/Jinkook✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum