Someone always hosted a party after the first day of school even though it was a Monday. Fay didn't mind the prospect of the hangover he was going to have to deal with tomorrow, because he loved parties far more than any worry could shadow. It was too much fun to get drunk and dressed up. Although, he had hardly dressed up that particular time around.

Two girls were grinding on him as they danced to the beat of a song that he had never heard before. The girls were aware that he wasn't straight, which was why they were dancing so carelessly. They knew that they didn't have to worry about Fay wanting anything out of their slutty dance moves and swaying hips.

There wasn't much light filling up the space, only a few gentle lamps that had been stuck into various corners around the room were in use. The rapid changing of colors had drunken heads spinning. Music poured through hidden speakers and wrapped around flushed bodies like a blanket. Eyes were closed as feet moved and arms swayed.

The room was hot and sweaty, the air smelt of sour alcohol. Fay took a swig from his drink, a pout forming on his lips as he found that it was now empty. With a sigh, he pushed away from the girls and then through the crowd of dancing bodies.

He wasn't drunk. In fact, Fay never really got drunk. The boy was a complete heavyweight, and he could drink more than most people could handle with hardly so much as a buzz. It was honestly annoying. Sometimes he just wanted to get shitfaced like everyone else did. But that never seemed to happen. When he drank to that point of excess, his body would skip the part of getting drunk and go straight to sickness.

However, that didn't stop him from enjoying himself. He still drank way far too much, and danced like an experienced stripper. As he reached the kitchen, he peeked in to see if there was alcohol still available. To his relief, there was a box of unopened beer sat safely on the floor next to the counters.

What he also saw was a boy sat in the sink. He had his head tilted back against the small window sill, cigarette smoke drifting from his softly parted lips. His eyes were closed, eyelids awash with the artificial lighting. A subtle breeze was flowing through the room, and it felt refreshing against Fay's heat-kissed skin. Why did he choose to wear a fuzzy shirt? It was way too hot for a night like that.

Fay went straight over to the box of beer, pulling it open and grabbing one for himself. The sound of stirring caused him to involuntary glance in the boy's direction. As soon as they made eye contact, the boy snorted.

"I thought you were a girl." He laughed loosely, inhaling more smoke. "Confused the hell out of me."

Fay had seen him before — how could he not have? The boy was Eden Ramsey. Eden was new at school, so he immediately caught everyone's attention. No one knew anything about him yet. At that point, he was just the new kid and nothing more.

This was before everyone found out about his preferences. It was only the first day of school, so of course no one knew yet. That was why Fay had hardly payed him any mind. Eden's hair was an off-shade of blonde that resembled bleached hair, though it still appeared natural, and his eyes were a tone of green that almost made them look brown at first glance.

"Got a problem with it?" Fay asked lightly, holding up another beer to see if Eden wanted it. When Eden shook his head, Fay put it back into the box.

"Nah." Eden told him. "You French?"

"Yeah." That was a question he often got asked. No matter what Fay did, his accent never went away. It didn't help that he sometimes found himself still muttering French words beneath his breath.

There was a few seconds of awkward silence where neither of them knew what to say. Fay wasn't the type to act awkwardly, but that particular silence was out of his control. Eden's long legs splayed out of the sink, hanging loosely over the cabinets in what Fay would have thought to be an uncomfortable manner. Yet, Eden looked blissfully at ease.

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