Racing Off (Ch.10)

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I hand my pink slip to Lucky and watch the kid dig it through his pocket then hands it to Lucky.

Lucky: "Alright then gentlemen. Get to your cars."

As I'm about to walk off Ricky, turns to me.

Ricky: "May the best man win."

I nodded and shook his hand.

Y/N: "May the best man. I expect to see you at the bottom."

Ricky chuckles and steps into his car. While Izzy walks with me.

Izzy: "Reminds of you on your first race."

Y/N: "Yeah... Remember that guy, three times my size, and nearly killed me when I won."

I stepped into my car and Izzy taps the roof.

Izzy: "See you at the bottom."

Starting my car, I made my self to the makeshift starting line and waited for Lucky.

Lucky: "Ready... Set... GO!"

[Time Skip]

We raced down Los Santos roads, we were neck and neck most of the time, Ricky was living up to his 15th spot and I smiled pleased as I take the corner, with him now finally in my rear-view mirror.

Y/N: 'Come on kid... You can do better than that.'

I watched him take the corner narrowly missing an oncoming car, he speeds up and I turn drifting into the corner.

Then I spot the finish line two roads down, it wasn't a test or lucky that was keeping me ahead of the kid. It was skill and years of experience, as I drift into the corner and speed up to the finish line, I come in first with Ricky, only a few seconds after me.

The crowd cheered and I stepped out of the car, throwing my fist in the air as people cheered.

Lucky: "And the Newcomer has come in first again, now getting the 15th spot. Let's give him a round of applause ladies and gentlemen."

The crowd cheered and I smiled, then walked over to Ricky, he was pinching the bridge of his nose and I opened the door.

Y/N: "Come on kid, step out with me."

Ricky: "But i... I lost."

I nearly pulled him out of the car and held my hands out. As Ricky stood beside me, he was shaking and I placed my arm over his shoulder. Then pointed to him...

Y/N: "Look at this kid... He's going to be something else in a few years. Ain't that right people!!!"

The crowd cheered and the kid looked at me as I picked him up placing him on my shoulder. Then I started to scream at the crowd.

"Y/N: "Kid! Kid!! Kid!!!"

Crowd: "Kid! Kid!! Kid!!!"

I put the kid on the floor and chuckled, as his fear seemed to wash away. Then I watched Lucky come over with the pink slip for his car and I took it, then turned to Ricky holding my hand out for a shake.

He shakes it and when it was done, I held out his pink slip.

Ricky: "What-"

Y/N: "Keep racing kid."

He takes it hesitantly and I point to the kid, making the crowd scream. Then give the kid a quick bro hug.

Y/N: "Well kid it's been fun."

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