chapter 14 part 2

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Part 2

Flash back continue

I slowly open eyes and it feels like someone threw sand down my throat. I look round trying to figure out where I am ,as soon as I see white walls and white everything I know I was at the hospital and everything  comes flooding back to me and I start to cry.  “Why didn’t it work , I don’t want to be here, I want to die , please let me die.” I screamed while sobbing.

The nurses runs in and tries to calm me down but im screaming and trashing but I just gave up and stared at wall. The doctor was talking but I didn’t really pay attention all that caught my attention was that I was in a coma for a month.  I just turned around and close my eyes hoping to not wake up again. They said I could be out of the hospital in a few days and that they going to put me on anti depressants.

Flashback  over.

I was coming back from my jog when Cael ask me to come over because he needs to tell me something. Its been 3 months since I got out from the hospital and three 4 months since I tried to kill myself. It was cael who found me. He was doing his daily check up on me and when he came into my room he  saw that is wa neat and I wasn’t in my room. He looked around until he found the letter on my desk. He read the letter and ran to the bathroom to find me unconscious and there was blood everywhere. He fell down to his knees trying to hold me up. He screamed for my parents and when they came running in my mom screamed and dad ran out calling 911.

So I went to his house.  When I knock on the door he opened  and told me he is sorry and I I didn’t know why and what for but when I walked in my best friend was in there. I don’t know why is she there. I looked at her and cael im so confused. After awhile of talking they told me Ashley is pregnant and I was happy for her but then he told me that he is the father. And i didn’t know what happened next but my mind starting moving things and my hair changed colour. The next thing I know was that their were dead and  my parents shipping me off to this place. 

I finally look at them and the girls is crying and Bennet was hugging me. I didn’t even know I was crying until he wipped away my tears. He lifts my chin and looked me in the eye. “ please don’t do that again, please don’t try and kill yourself again. We need you . I need you” bennet says with tears in his eyes. 

“we are sorry for treating you like this. We didn’t mean to treat you like this. We really are sorry”  vera say crying. Zaden looks around the room  and says “lets get this clean up , girls you go make something to eat and guys lets get this fixed up.”
I look at the table and saw the box standing there , I walked to the box and took the lid off. In the box there was a photograph of is from freshman year. It is my all time favourite picture of us. I look further and saw plane tickets and some old plane tickets and photos of us on our trips there is one t-shirt that I made her for her birthday. I  have the same t-shirt as her, I made it for us on her birthday when we went to Chicago for watch 5SOS live. 

There is a photo with us when I had my pregnancy photo shoot. Her diary was in there as well. There is friendship bracelet s and a lot of pictures. Our favourite songs. Every memory of us is in there. Its funny how many years or friendship can fit In a box. I start sobbing all over again. “food is ready” is all I heard from the kitchen and the guys ran into the kitchen.  They walk sat down at the table and look at the photos and all the memories on the table. I heard a growl  and look up too see bennet holding the photo of me being pregnant. I grabbed the photo from him and put it in her diary and put the diary in the box. The rest of the time the guys watched the game and the girls were cleaning the kitchen and I was starring into space. “good bye luna I mean sera, we going head out.” Malach shouts through the house trying to find me. I tapped him on the shoulder and he screamed like a little girl. “how did you get there?”  I just rolled my eyes and hugged them goodbye.  “we will see you tomorrow at school”  I just nod and closed the door behind  them. I was playing on going to bed but I walked passed the table an grabbed the diary and got a water and walked up to my attic and sat down in my bean bag and opened the diary and started to read.
finally updated. sorry for the wait.
and thank you so much for the support..

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