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Dear Diary

She is out of the hospital ,she is taking losing their baby much harder than I thought. She said she was fine, why didn't I listen or think about making extra sure she was okay, but ofcourse I was way to self involved with my mission.

Speaking of my mission I don't think I should tell her Im pregnant... yes it may seem like good news but its not. See part of my mission, my whole reason is to activate her powers and she just wasn't getting mad enough. So I had to sleep with Cael, yes her boyfriend.

It was the week after she tried to kill herself. He lost it and went to the bar and got extremely drunk and called me crying. I didn't want to but this was the only way. He told me he was glad I came and talked about how selfish she was to try and kill herself and he ended up kissing me. I didn't stop him because I knew I had to do whatever it takes to get her to activate her powers and her knowing we slept together would push her over the edge. I did not know I was gonna get pregnant. The point is she must find out and hopefully it will activate her powers. The only thing is if this activate her powers she could kill anyone and anything in front of her..

im such a bad friend and guardian...

I'm so sorry my girl.

love Ash.

Why? Why would they do that to me and why didn't she just talk to me and maybe we could have found another way. Why did I have to lose control ,why did I kill them and their baby. I'm no better than the guy that killed my baby. I'm no better than that guy that took my Rose away. Every time I think about what they had to do to get pregnant makes me sick and angry. How could they ? My love if my life and my best friend and now , now they both gone..

I can feel myself getting angry. I need to calm down before I go to school. I stood up and walked up the stairs to my gym in the house and worked out for a bit. I did 50 push ups , 50 sit ups ,3 min plank and then 50 jumping jacks. I continued with some more exercises and finally I sat down with sweat dripping down my face. I gulped down a bottle of water I found in the mini fridge and I stood up and went to my bathroom to take a nice long hot shower. After my shower I stood in front of the mirror in my room looking at my body. I used to have such a nice toned body ,I still do but not as much. after my first attempt I was forced to eat so I gained a bit of weight but now that I'm living alone no one is here forcing me to eat, so I don't eat that much anymore. I got dressed in some mom jeans and a loose blouse, I paired it with my vans and grabbed my jean jacket from my cupboard to finish of my outfit for today. I walked downstairs and not in the mood to eat, I texted Vera saying that Im walking to school so they don't have to bother picking me up. I locked the door and out in my earphones and started my walk to the campus.

When I got to school I decided to go straight to my class which happens to be angel training. No one was in class when I got there so I went through my phone looking at my settings messing around because come on ,you haven't lived a full teenager life if you haven't gone through your phone's settings because you have nothing better to do and your phone is dry as fuck. Anyway while I was scrolling through my phone I didn't realize some students have arrived and are talking quietly among themselves. The teacher walked in just as the bell rang for class to begin. "Okay class today we are going to do some theory ,so get out your notebook and make some notes. It is very important theory." I just heard grunts of already bored students. guess its gonna be a long lesson today.

"Abrahamic religions often depict them as benevolent celestial intermediaries between God(or heaven) and humanity, other roles include protectors and guides for humans, and servants of god" I listen intensely to what my teacher say, to think I grew up with these stories about angles and gods servants and now to find out Im and angel makes me wonder what's real in this world. Everything could be fake but also everything could be real, and if its real why don't they tell the humans about us. we walk around like normal human beings doing things that humans do but little do they know that they have been lied to. they have been told that we are all myths. What happens to people who actually get a glimpse of the real world, they get send away to mental hospitals and told they are crazy, and eventually they will believe they are crazy.

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