Chapter 3

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*un edit*

Chapter three: Meeting

I look at the boy who is currently so eager to get somewhere. He has curly black hair and pale skin almost matching mines except his is a little more paler.

Yes, I admit he is attractive but my anger through him is still more stronger. After all I do not want to end up like the girl in the pet shop and trust me I wouldn't.

Why would I? He after all bought me and now I'm stuck in this planet who I know it isn't earth.

The houses look different almost half of them are big and wealthy looking, hell even the dirt is a different color! This isn't like a normal city, although looks like it if you play close enough it would look the same to earth.

"What's your name?" I break the silence and trying to get to know who this boy think he is to buy me. I may not be in earth but I still have rights, well technically not really anymore.

"Non of your business" I gasped offended he decided to buy me and doesn't even want to give me his name.

"Is not like I wanted it" I mumble secretly wanted him to hear me. Wich he did because he looked backed at me, rolling his eyes.

I wish those eyes get stuck there I mentally said.

Looking down at my slippers who are turning dirty from all the dirt from the streets. It was more like a matron color than dark brown.

We finally stop in what seemed for ages telling me I'm unshaped I look at a marvelous house it was a true beauty to say the least.

White creamy walls with the strangest yet prettiest flower looking things.

Another person with light blue hair comes running out the door straight to me, hugging me tightly that I almost lost my balance and breath.

I just stand there not knowing what to do or pleased that someone I don't know wants to hug me. I was never good at things like this.

"Aww isn't she so cute" he graves my cheeks hardly wich I winced but I bet he didn't even noticed.

This time he had light blue eyes that match perfectly with his hair. He had a pretty face like the other one but I'm not going to flatter them more.

"So childish" the other curly boy said letting go of me and walked away to the glass door.

"I'm going to sleep, don't wake me up"

The blue boy waves his hands not bothered to look at him as he is so invested in me. "Hey what's your name?" He asks me patting my hair.

"my name is Angelica, what yours?" I ask taking his hand away from my rat nest.

"Aww, what an angelic name mines is Lucas, can you say Lucas" this kid really thinks I'm a kid, right?

I faked scrunch up my nose, "Yes, it's Lucas and no I'm not a kid thank you very much" his smile falls down but raises back again.

"Your so cute let's go home" he lifts me up carrying baby style cooing me like a baby!

What is happening! Does he not understand or knows I do not look like a little kid! I am not even that short!

He walks to the big ass house, I almost feel rich almost until I know a trash person lives here too.

"The other person was Anthony but he is always sleeping or eating." He smiles at me and puts me down on a couch. Of course his "living room" is nice and modern.

I'm surprised aliens have a couch since I always thought of them as green three eyed balled aliens. But I guess I was wrong, eh?

"Well let's take off your cloths and get changed"  what?! Is this boys crazy, he thinks I'm going to take my cloths in front of him? And especially in a living room?

"No! Your mistaking I feel much more comfortable in my cloths actually" I stared at him wide eyes open as he gives me puppy eyes.

"Please! Please! I swear I will not look just put some new cloths one, please!" I have the urge to slap him once I agree to him. Ugh! He was to tempting.

He runs to another room coming back quickly with- you won't believe me when I said he comes back with a dress! But not any kind of dress it's pink! And glittery, and it looks like what a ten year old will wear!

I mentally scream in horror. "What? I can't wear this it's not going to fit me" I try find excuses not wanting to look like the girl in fourth grade who used me.

"Aw! Come it is just try in on!" He whines like a big baby the irony! I snatch the dress looking at it not believing myself imma wear a dress.

"Where can I change cause I am not changing here" I ask him looking around, trying to find another door.

"Oh! You can go to the bathroom,come with me" He graves my arm pulling me trough a door. I open the handle twisting in and opening it. I go to the bathroom who was lavishing.

I take off my old cloths and put on the dress, Looking up I see myself in a mirror, what a mess. My face looked scary as eye bags looking more prettier that Anthony's and few scratches in my arms and legs.

The dress fit me a little tight knowing he probably bought this on a kid area section. I sigh opening he door, who I meet Lucas standing waiting for me.

He gasped liking how it me or how I look horrible. "It fits you nicely, now let's go I bet you are hungry"

Hungry? Hell yea I am I hadn't eaten since the last time the capture me, oh how I wish I puke of brought my Oreos with me.


Abduction Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon