Chapter 2

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Chapter two: Sold

I groan feeling dried saliva in my check, laying in the ground I move slowly trying to wake up my right arm who feel asleep.

I hissed as I stretch my arm, Standing  up I hit my head, immediately rubbing my head as I "try" to punch the thing that hit me with my other arm.

"Stupid thing" I mumble and continue to rub my head.

I gasped as fury enter me as when I saw I was locked up on a cage like I was some kind of peasant or dog to play around with.

I travel my eyes to the bright yellow sign "Pet Shop where everything is cheaper"

Sitting back down I put my arm to my chest, offended knowing damm well I ain't a cheap skate or a pet.

How offended I felt looking at the animals that didn't even look like dogs they look like a mixture of a cat and a mouse. Do they really think I look like them?

Shivering at such absurd idea , I glanced at the left of me, laying on a separate cage was a human who look really younger than me, probably fifteen or fourteen. I try to whistle but spit only came out,  remembering I can't even whistle to save my life.

"Psss, hey kid" I whispered yelled at him  trying to get his attention without being loud. The kid only stayed in the same position as in ignoring me.

Stupid kid, I am in the same side as you.

Brushing it off I hear footsteps coming near the door  and I go back to pretending I was sleeping.

A girl looking around her twenties with the same damm small nose looking really unusual and a pair of sapphire eyes looking around the room until they lock in mines.

I sneer but later on cursing myself for letting her catch me not awake, I stand up might  as well get this over with, I looked at her as she started walking to me and stoped. She begin to jump up and down, squealing, figuring she was excited. Stopping  she did a full one eighty, turning back to the door.

"Hey! Come in" she yells out to the other person who I suppose was a customer coming from the metal door.

A boy who seems a little older than me comes in looking like he had never had a wink of sleep  with deep under eyes came approaching her, standing behind her looking exhausted and bored.

"This is the new one you guys order" guys? As in more?

The dark brown eyes look at me as I analyze his appearance plump lips who seemed more like a women, quiet envy of them as mines where not plumped and well the nose thin yet again.

"I thought it was going to be a he? Not a she" he looks at the girl with an eye roll. Covering his hands with his face, stress out.

"Well I'm sorry I think there was confusing we can change deliveries and return her back" her cheeks turn bright red looking at him.

Raising my eyebrows knowing that she clearly liked him, it was a written all over her face. The boy flicks his hand in annoyance  and takes a glance at me one last time and nods.

"I'll take her"
"You sure? You guys could chose another pet"
"No it's fine" waving his hand at her motion her to forget it, but knowing girls that head over heels over a boy they sure won't forget it.

"I buy a black leash for her and some treats to go along with it"

Taking a second I stopped and realize I was just being sold like a pet. I looked at my hands sinking in the words and repeating the conversation again in my head. Isn't this human trafficking?

Shit, I think I am being sold. This is it, this is how I'm going to die from  being treated as a pet or worse.

I hear keys opening up my cage that's quiet  big for a human to fit in.

"Get out" the girl I yet don't know her name says looking real mad. I crawl to the door and stand up ready to dust off my leggings and to clean my slippers only to get pushed down back in floor like a dog.

"Stay there" the girl repeats looking at him all lovely and blind in love. "She is all good to go, when are you coming back? I'm sure your coming back in month to buy a new pet right? Once you guys get bored" she flutter her eyelashes

Disgust, I look away to the boy who was still there, his eyes burning into me. I wave at him who he of course doesn't turn back the gesture.

"Yes, I'm probably coming back, now I gotta leave" he gives a small smile who her eyes turn shine. She turns around tugging me, I stand back up for the last time not letting my self get humiliated and crawl and get dirty.

He says nothing and walks to glass door before we go out I see the boy wave back to me.


...of course the girl looking at him like he is a piece of meat.

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