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He's inside you again. So deeply inside you, you thrust back your head with a shout.

You don't expect this from someone like him. He seems to have lost himself. He pounds into you as you grip his smooth, muscular arse in your fists. Despite cleaning yourself off, you're still slick from the last time and he slides in and out easily. You briefly wonder what the heck you're going to do afterwards when you're stuck together.

And quickly decide not to care.

Grabbing your head, he mashes his lips onto yours as he pumps once, twice, then three times. And it's over—at least for him. As his body shudders, he cranes his neck and emits a low groan that seems to come from deep within his lungs. You feel it this time, down below—the heat of his seed gushing into you.

You don't bother trying to pull away from him. Besides, you're not done yet. Wrapping your legs more tightly around his waist, you rock against him. You bite your lip as the hard floor pulls painfully against your back.

Realising your discomfort, he slides his arms around your back, pulling you against his chest as he hauls you up from the floor. He slumps to his arse with his back against the wall and with you in his lap. It surprises you—how strong he is.

'Better,' you say, though he doesn't understand. 'Thank you.'

Then you continue with your rocking. You're glowing again, and again you can see the hard rod of his cock inside you. The room itself takes on a blue shine. You remember what he said—that though it's over, he's still ejaculating into you. It's such an erotic thought that it spurs you on to rock faster. As you do, he fondles your breasts with his big smooth hands—both stained blue—then begins nuzzling the nape of your neck. The air sticks in your throat at a sudden rush of pleasure.

He's speaking to you, murmuring things in your ear you can't understand, but in his low, musical voice whatever he's saying seems so beautiful.

You thrust up against him, head craned back as you clench hard around his erection with a gasp. Lowering his face, he sucks at your neck, giving little thrusts as you ride your orgasm.

Finally, you slump against him.

You're both pouring with sweat, not helped by the still lingering heat from the steam. Grabbing your head, he kisses you all over the face, then meets your lips and gives you such a long, deep kiss that all the fine hairs on your body stand up on end.

You touch his flushed cheek. His eyes are bright. At every heaving breath his hard chest presses up against your breasts. 'What's gotten into you?' you pant.

His forehead creases. His perfect lips part. He doesn't understand. You really need that intercom.

You look into your laps. Your thatch of pubic hair is pressed hard up against his bare groin. 'Well, this is going to be interesting,' you say.

You pull against him just a little just to check if you truly are stuck, only to grimace at the pain. You're going to have to stay here in the steam bath for a while.

He shifts his buttocks beneath you, frowning at the pain of the hard floor pressing up against him. Suddenly, he grabs hold of you around the arse.

'What are you doing?' you say.

You gasp, using your legs to grip onto him tightly as he uses all the strength in his thighs to push into a standing position, his back sliding up against the wall. He's baring his teeth, grunting, his handsome face all twisted up, but he somehow manages it.

He staggers forward, throwing up his hands against the opposite wall before he can crush you against it.

'Jesus!' you say, clutching onto him.

He lifts your arse up higher around his waist, settling you more comfortably on his hips, then walks out the door.

You sigh in relief at the feel of the cool ship air against your burning skin.

'Are you all right?' he says in your ear.

You jump a little at his words. You must be back in the range of the intercom. 'I'm fine. Are you?'

'I'm sorry,' he says, his forehead all crinkled up.

'For what?'

He moves over to the couch.

'Wait! We can't sit there. It's white. It'll get ruined!'

He doesn't listen. Naked, stained with semen and dripping with sweat, he plonks down with a sigh. You're still sitting in his lap, your knees on either side of his thighs.

'I'm sorry,' he repeats.

'What for?'

He purses his lips. 'Back there. That was not me. Are you sure I didn't hurt you?'

You take his face. 'You did not hurt me. Not in the slightest. That was ... that was amazing!'

He looks surprised, then grins. Laughing, you kiss him on the mouth.

'I can't believe your kind doesn't have sex anymore,' you say. 'What a waste! Then again—' he grunts as you squirm in his lap '—you can't really make it a spur of the moment thing can you?'

He smiles. You twist and turn, glancing around the room. How can one person make so much mess? 'This is going to take ages to clean up.'

He relaxes back into the chair, his hands resting on your hips. 'I'll get my drones to do it.'

You grimace. 'The drones? I don't think it's really something they should see. And aren't you worried they'll talk to your 'seniors'?'

'I told you. They don't have minds of their own. They don't think.'

You shake your head. 'I don't believe that.'

You rest against each other, quiet, as you listen to the thumping of each other's heartbeats. Finally, he thinks it might be time to separate.

'Maybe we should do this in the bath,' you say.

He agrees, hoisting you against him as he carries you inside. Slowly, he slides out of you as he eases you to your feet. Immediately you drop into a squat, trying not to get his semen all over you like the last time. There isn't as much as before but it's bad enough, hitting the floor like a waterfall.

He speaks something in his language, and the steam turns back on.

He stands quietly beside you as he lifts out his arms, allowing the moist heat to clean him down. His chest is flushed. Blue stains his hands and legs and groin. For a brief, comical moment his balls remind you of two planet Earths dangling between his legs. You try to meet his eye but he refuses to look at you.

'What's wrong?' you say.

He doesn't answer. Is it because he doesn't understand you or is it something else? After all your intimacy he suddenly seems so far away.

When the gush of semen slows to a trickle, you straighten. You're about to wash yourself when he positions himself behind you and begins wiping you down himself. He remains quiet, his movements stiff and efficient, yet somehow gentle, particularly when he wipes you between the legs.

When he turns you around to do the front, he's frowning.

Something he said before springs to mind: I'm meant to be precise, fastidious and logical. That is why all of this is so shocking to me.

You frown too. You really wish he would let his reservations go. You go to say something, then shut your mouth.

What do you say to someone like him?

Unnatural Instinct: AbductionWhere stories live. Discover now