Twenty - Deal

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Break over, back to school.

At first, I was happy the break was over, I could meet Justin everyday. But no.

Boring classes, tiring sports sessions started as well. The boys were busy getting ready for their inter school field compitetions. Amy and Laura were in the cheerleading team with Bethany as the head cheerleader.

Well, Luna, Joe and I were just audience on the benches. We are lazy bums.

"Guys. Are we seriously sitting here and watching them play?" Luna grunted.

"Yes we are" Joe and me at the same time.

"Hey by the way, what happened to your Hannah?" I gave Luna a naughty look.

"Hazel. She said she wasn't interested in hot girls like me"

"Maybe she said, I'm interested in hot girls, not you" Joe burst into laughters and almost fell off the benchers.

"Shut the hell up. I'm hot" Luna sneered at him.

"Oh really?" Joe was still laughing.

"I'm gonna tell David that you were checking out some guys yesterday" she smirked.

"What? No! I never did. You-"

"Who was checking out guys yesterday?" David walked towards us along with Justin.

"David- no I didn't" Joe looked at him with puppy eyes but David looked serious.

He yanked Joe from the bench and pulled him towards himself "I'm going to punish you tonight"

"I-" before joe could say anything else, his boyfriend had dragged him away from us, probably heading to his house for the 'punishment' .

"That was kinda hot" Luna whispered and I shook my head.

"Hey El"

"Hey Justin! I was waiting for you"

"I know. But I don't think I can join you to Sara's today. The main team has extra practice because the basketball match is this weekend" he pulled a long face.

"Oh- okay. That's alright. I have Luna here with me-" I turned around to point at Luna but she had vanished, yet again.

"Or maybe not. I'll go home" I smiled at him.

"Sorry" he pouted.

"It's okay. Go and practice!" I gave a small nod for assurance.

He went back for practice and I left after sitting for a while. I headed towards the girls locker room to check if Amy was there.

I heard muffled voices from the inside. Maybe a few cheerleaders had stayed back.

"This is wrong."

Luna? I thought to myself as I heard her voice from the locker room. What is she doing in here?

"Okay. I know. Let's stop"

The sports teacher?

"I'll go, before anyone comes in. I will- "

"No stop. I want a last kiss. Please" Miss Tasha sounded sad and desperate.

"Miss Tasha- I don't want to-"

I heard a thud and violent footsteps approaching the door. I hid behind the wall as soon as possible.

Luna pushed the door open and walked out. She looked angry and annoyed. Miss Tasha followed her, tears in her eyes.

What the hell is happening?

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