Fourteen - Sleepover

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"You can sleep here tonight. This is Tiara's room"

"Thanks" I put my bag aside and sat down on the bed. I wonder why she has a room for herself. Don't Tiara and James sleep together?

"They don't sleep together. Because Dad" he smiled and sat down next to me.

"Oh right! I forgot " I chuckled.

"She is staying at our place because she is working for a company somewhere nearby. She said she would move out sometime soon"

"But why? She can just stay here"

"Yeah she can. But it's her choice" he said and I nodded.

It was just 2 pm and we of course didn't want to start doing math so soon. But we didn't know what to talk about as well.

"El we gotta go get groceries for dinner. I don't think there's anything"

Oh. We gonna cook. I thought we were going to order or something.

"Oh alright."

I followed him to the kitchen. He opened all the drawers and the refrigerator to see what was left and what had to be bought.

"Um... Justin."


"How about we order some pizza or-"

"I'll cook. Don't worry bout it." he smirked. Well, thank God he will cook but, I can't let him think that I don't know how to cook.

"Oh I can cook too!" I tried to defend myself though I didn't really know how to. Oh, but I do know how to prepare instant ramen! That's counted right?

"Let's do it" he paused for a second "together" he smirked. What's with him and smirking?

"Oh okay."

I turned around to hide my red cheeks. I'm sure I heard a slight chuckle from him. I blush for every small thing. I should learn to control it.


 We walked to the grocery shop because it was near by. Justin had a list of items to be bought. This guy plans better than my mum!

"Damn! This is kinda fun you know?"

"Grocery shopping? Really?" he narrowed his eyes.

"Well, I mean it's not boring. I never go grocery shopping with my mum. It's fun now that I'm with you" I didn't realize what I was saying. I grabbed a packet of chips and put it in the trolley.

"With me?" A smile spread across his face.

I looked away and walked as fast as I could to the cashier.
It was 5pm already. Time passes by so soon.

"You know..."

"Yeah?" I looked at him. He looked sad.

"I used to go grocery shopping with my mum" a faint smile on his face.

"Im sorry about your mom"

"it's fine. Don't be. Today, I felt happy. I had company while shopping. It reminded me of her. Thanks"

"I'm ready to go grocery shopping with you anytime. Though I'm lazy" I smiled and he chuckled.

"That's cool. Every Saturday then"

"Oh come on! Saturdays are for resting at home!" Rolled my eyes. He just smiled and looked away.

"I'll come"


"Stop before I change my mind." We both looked at each other and giggled.

"So you are cooking tonight?" Justin raised his brows. I widened my eyes and tried to say something but he started laughing.

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