The man came a little closer as the boy talked different stories, he figured that he was also trapped here... and hey, he needed someone to talk to. He could hear a small sound so he made his way back and made it seem he was pretty much dead and lost.

Everyday this would happen, he saw it kinda made the man feel a bit better or at least stay somewhat sane. He never got to ask his name...

And it was then, the mysterious metal-armed man disappeared... perhaps a mission? he wasn't entirely sure... Another thing led to another as something -or a group- invaded the area, his eyes sparkled and then he managed to escape.

However he didn't know where he was now... everything was... new? it wasn't like before it seemed a bit new... techy? if that is what you could call it?

"I did it, I set us free... but where are we?" He said to himself, the children he loved before the fire as ghosts that he could see, slight silhouettes. They seemed just as scared but he gave a reassurance, walking.

"Where... are we?" He ran through the middle of the street and looked confused, more techy cars... big buildings? it was so foreign he was scared.

So day went to night as he wandered through the streets, feet tired from all the walking, he had no shoes... so his feet may have cuts on them but they were taught pain tolerance. Small child-soldiers. It hurt.

When he came across a shop he noticed a camera, the ones they use to make sure they weren't in trouble. that's what he knew that they were used for. -Yes I know it is CCTV-

He sat outside it and stared up at it before falling asleep by the wall.

A dream, when all of them were happy. When the bad people weren't there. He remembered the smiles, the stories, what they miss, what they remember outside was like... small games...

Then it was day.

He looked arouns confused, he wasn't there anymore. but instead... he was somewhere a bit more, confining, white, he didn't like white... and there was also one door.

His breath hitched as he began to panic, did they catch him?

"Please don't hurt me, i'm sorry I won't run away again sir."

He heard something beep, feeling a prescence from the door he jumped up onto the ceiling and crawled to the corner scared and confused.

When it revealed to be another figure... a woman? he still didn't lower his guard. She felt dangerous... "Are you with them? don't bring me back, please? I didn't mean to run away, just don't hurt me" He curled into himself in the top right corner.

"I won't hurt you" The female said as he looked at her not believing it. "Should we trust her?"

He slowly got down and still made a distance away from her.

"I just want to ask a few questions." She asked gently as the boy stayed in the corner. "Can you speak english?" She asked and stayed her distance.


"Good. Were you used to go on a mission by HYDRA?"

"HYDRA? Oh the bad people... no, we escaped. Someone infiltrated the base so we ran... What are missions? I've never been on one yet." He looked confused but finally sat down cross-legged.

"What is your name?" The female crossed her arms which made the boy freeze up a little, reminded him of the scary authority.

"Aranya, or S-spider." he says before muttering a small: 'you?'

She heard it before making a small smile. "Natasha. Do you wanna go out? of this room I mean?" Aranya's eyes lit up as he gave an excited nod. she didn't seem like a bad person... kinda.

When he was led inside he looked around he saw different people... until his eyes land on a certain individual.

The familiar shoulder-length brown hair, silver eyes, the metal arm...

"Oh Mr metal arm!" He smiled as the other's eyes widened. It was a bit safe then if he was here. "I didn't see you there, I thought you were on a mission thing but I think you also escaped."

He looked around and saw other people, feeling a little uncomfortable he hid behind the man (where his figure was entirely covered) "What's your name mister?" he whispered as the other muttered his name. "Bucky."

"Your face looks familiar..." A blonde haired figure wearing a grey t-shirt walked towards him.

"Aren't you one of the missing kids? Peter Parker?" Aranya blinked and tilted his head. "I'm Aranya, uhm... and I think I was called Peter? I can remember something from a very long time ago. Also meet the others!" He listed off names while he pointed at other kids... but it looked as though he was pointing at mid-air.

"There is no one there." Another figure pointed out, he was wearing a metal suit thingy. -I'm making his a little childlish cause it's Peter-

"Oh... maybe I can only see them."

He paused and continued before looking at the familiar man, -called Bucky- listened too, he knew of this story, it gave him a strange hope.

Aranya talked about the kids and the fire with excessive sound effects, the blonde haired man's eyes darkened slightly... when they took it down and found the base they didn't know that innocent children were there! he could have saved them...

He felt someone from behind and turned around, round-house kicking them, a pistol twirling in his hand as he pinned the person down... pinning them.

The others got defensive as he pressed the gun to the other's head.

"Who are you?"

He got confirmation from Ms Natasha that he was with them, causing him to hide the gun again, helping him up.

Aranya was kept under surveillance and they finally did confirm out of the many presumed deaths of the children from the 194* that he was Peter Benjamin Patker.

Peter was finally happy to be free, it was a little hard at first and he had to try and stop the instant reaction to kill someone.

Bucky was protective of the boy, he was still older than him and treated him like a little brother, you couldn't really seperate the two since Peter still mainly trusted him and stuck to that anyone can turn against you.

"Bucky?" Peter called out as the older made a small hum.

"I had a nightmare again..." He held a pillow to his chest and sniffled before going into the open embrace of the other.

"Was it about the fire again?"

"m..mhm." He snuggled into Bucky as he ran his fingers gently on the edges of the metal arm, it calmed him down as he gave a sigh of relief, few tears falling down his face.

"...thank you." He muttered as he fell asleep, the soldier smiling and muttered a reply before falling asleep holding an arm protectively over the smaller male.


Avengers + their Spiderson | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now