The letters /2/

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/This is an original oneshot by your truly, it is mildly inspired by Mystic Messenger and wrong number oneshots/

                   Peter downloads: 'Letters to...'
                  and meets one of the Ai's
                  named TS, it was nice talking
                  to him and he asks a bit of
                  advice from the 'Ai'



Thank you alot! Do you think he even reads my letters TS? he must be really busy...


I'm very sure he would read them, if you put your heart and soul into the letter it will be recognised!

Thank you! I'll talk to you later TS!


Peter went to bed and was thankful it was the weekend, he got up and went to his desk, grabbing a paper and pen he crawled up the wall and planted himself in the corner of the ceiling as he began to write.

Aunt May had found out Peter was Spiderman and accepted it but gave him curfew to make sure he was safe.

The boy started to write what he felt in the letter, it had been a while -2 years- since he had sent a letter to Tony Stark, which was a little awkward but excitement bubbled inside of him.

Dear Mr Stark,

Sorry it's been a while since I've sent a letter to you! Maybe you're busy with all the fighting villains and stuff that you may not read my letter, but it makes me feel better anyways.

You know the kid that you saved in Stark Expo? that was me, And you've still inspired me then! and till now.

I actually am wanting to go to Stark Industries and work there one day, I made my own Ai! her name is Karen -yes in this peter made her- She is really helpful from time to time, I managed to make two actual light-sabers! But we don't use them because... health and safety.

Anyways! that's all from me! Bye Mr Stark

- Peter

After being comforted by the letter he had just written Peter sent it as usual, and before he knew it.. it reached Tony Stark, FRIDAY had alerted the billionaire as he got up and read the letter with anticipation, he was a little shocked at what this boy may have accomplished. So he checked up on his school history, All straight A's, Had taken the IQ test and it was just under Bruce and his.

He thought about sending a letter back and it seemed like a good thing to do.

Dear Peter,

I read all the letters you gave and I am happy that you want to go to Stark Industries! I have read your school reports and history, you are a good kid.

I'm impressed the fact that you have made your own Ai and light-sabers, may I see what else you have made?
I'm also grateful for you looking up to me as well, I have an offer for you:

Would you like to intern there?

- Tony Stark

Seemingly pleased with the letter he sent it back to Peter, who in return the next day recieved it... Aunt May was leaping for joy as Peter had a grin planted on his face, he had to tell TS!


TS! You're right, Tony Stark did read my letter! he even offered for me to intern at Stark Industries!

That's great, I'm sure you'll do great. Keep being optimistic!

I will! thanks TS!


Peter went to Stark Industries the day he recieved the letter, he was anxious but was pretty happy.

He risked bringing the webshooters but just decided that it would be natural to show what he had done, along with the webshooters he brought Karen, -connected to his bag and can be transferred to any other device- his light-sabers and a small on the side project he thought of.

As Peter went to the receptionist she signalled him to led FRIDAY lead him inside, as she recognised by the name and identification of Peter.

However he wasn't led to the interview room but to where Tony's personal lab was!

He got to tell Ned about this later!

Peter shifted slightly as FRIDAY alerted Tony about Peter's attention as the boy muttered a small squeaky: 'Thanks Miss FRIDAY' who gave a polite 'you're welcome' in return.

Tony Stark grinned proudly at the boy, instinctively ruffling the hair of the boy.

"H-Hi Mr Stark!" his voice squeaked in nervousness alongside excitement. The billionaire chuckled lightly and smiled at him, "So what ya got kid?" And with those words Peter burst rambling, showing the light-sabers first and activating it.

It really did work.

Before it could cause any actual damage Peter turned it off before fumbling around for his webshooters, which Tony caught up on but would talk about it later.

"I-I made these webshooters with whatever I could find and the substance was pretty easy to make, I did this in Chemistry class though...."

He rambled on before pausing and introducing Karen to Tony who raised an eyebrow in interest. "M-mr Stark! this is my Ai Karen, She is really caring and kind and is really helpful!" He was like a child as his brown doe eyes sparkled in interest. "Remind me why you named her after Plankton's wife" At that Peter paused and his face burned red. "N-nothin' Mr Stark" his voice squeaked before he recovered.

"Are you interested in interning here kid?"

At those worss Peter's eyes widened like stars. "Yes!" But before Peter could continue Tony put his hand up and stared at Peter. "Hold your horses kid, I know one vigilante with webshooters."

"I'm not spiderman---"

"I never said you were. You are a bad liar kid." At that Peter whined before Tony Pat his back. He pulled out his phone and texted TS, a small vibration echoed from the billionaire's pocket.

"My friend told me about this game called 'Letters to...' and I downloaded it, it helps alot"

At that statement Tony cracked up. "K-kid. That's the MMA, not a game, the avengers group chat. How did you hack into that?"  Peter stared at Tony having to process what he said before stuttering: "Woah woah woah! wait I actually hacked into the?--- no no waaay"

He pat Peter's back before calming down.

"Time to introduce you to the avengers kid."


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