Peter into hero-hood /2/

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/An original oneshot by yours truly~ i'm not so sure how to describe this at all./

                  Peter finds himself a little
                  curious as he starts to step
                  into his journey in an odd
                  wonderland, well... his odd
                  adventure into hero-hood.
                  What will happen to Peter? or


He nodded silently and whispered quietly: "W-what are you-- what-- I--" He was confused as the man replied: "I told you i'd see you around"

"Dude... you're friends with an avenger?" Ned said in awe as he stumbled a bit. Steve just chuckled and agreed with that statement. This just got weirder and weirder. "We need to get home quick don't we?" He glanced at Ned who understood immediately.

"Uh.. yeah.. yeah we do."

Then they went ahead but got stopped by Cap again.

"Well i'll head home from here, see ya" MJ waved casually and ditched them... all the students have gone and it was just the three of them.

"Tell me why you were sick for a few weeks. it's abnormal." The man stated as he seemed to study the boy. "And the time where you dodged getting hit by a car which was passing the speed limit."

Peter wanted to disappear.

"I don't know either..." He got a notification on his phone and saw a youtube video of himself, -well as Spiderman- and blinked.

"He's pretty cool right?" Peter showed the video to Steve who seemed slightly impressed. "He's good, but a little reckless." Steve studied the boy again before noticing his semi zipped bag, in the bag it showed something familiar with the colours red and blue.

"Let me guess, you're that guy huh?" He pointed at the video in which Peter froze up. "W-what makes you think that?..."

Steve pulled out the costume out of his bag carefully and Peter snatched it back, he stuffed it in his bag once again. "So I was correct, if you train with us for a bit you can become an avenger."

"No thanks. I'll think about the training part but I won't be an avenger."

When Peter started walking with Ned back to his place his best friend looked at the boy ins shock. "dude... you just declined the offer about being an avenger!" Peter rolled his eyes and smiled slightly to his friend: "Because they keep the big guys away and I help the civillians, you know... the little guys. Robbers etc..."

It was a mature decision as they finally reached Peter's apartment, going to build legos and talk.


Steve returned to the tower as he took his cap off, the elevator doors opened as he walked in.

It seemed as though the kid didn't want to reveal his identity and since he never wanted to get involved with the avengers it would be fine... should he... lie?

"So Cap, what happened about the boy?" Natasha said as she was by the island counter and sipping water. "Oh I approached him and he said he doesn't know, I studied him and he told the truth. We'll have to see I guess."

"Mhm..." Natasha cocked an eyebrow not believing him but just let it slide.

The other started fluttering in at their own time, Tony, Natasha and Steve kept it to themselves because they wouldn't want a pissed off pirate be getting them the kid.

Clint sat down on the couch and tyrbed on the TV, the news turned on and showed Spiderman, then when Steve looked over he spat his water over Sam who was heading to the couch.

"What the hell Steve?--" Same was definitely confused at the other male, Natasha tried not to laugh and managed to stifle it, by the looks of it she knew who the boy was now... I mean, everyone -partially- can read through Steve Rogers if you know him well.

"Sorry, I choked--"

"There is a new vigilante, think the pirate caught news?" Tony leaned on the counter as he watched while taking a sip of his coffee.

They sat in silence as they watched the news. "Seems he's pretty good, But it seems he is a little inexperienced... I mean he still gets the job done." Clint spoke up observing the vigilante on the news. "How old is he you think?"

Steve and Natasha looked at each other with a glance, before saying an age at the same time... to just avoid the fact they knew who the male on the TV was and his age. "I'd say 20."

"I agree with Romanoff"

"I agree that we should find that out ourselves, or rather you bunch." The elevator doors opened as the pirate walked in himself.

"Holy shi---" Sam almost proclaimed but Natasha and Clint caught him off: "Careful, Steve doesn't like that kind of language." A sigh escaped the Captain's lips as he looked like a disappointed father.

"Suit up, he may be a threat."

"But he isn't a threat--- can you see him?" Steve pointed out clearly and the man looked at him, cocking an eyebrow. "You have something to say Rogers?"

"No sir..."

Well the cover for the boy was going to be a failure.


Peter was swinging through the city as he noticed a lady getting mugged. He swung down and kicked the guy in the face while at it, the guy stumbled and got knocked out... while the lady thanked him as he gave her extra money along with the money in her wallet.

A small few amount of crimes happened here and there but Peter managed to dull them down and sit on one of the buildings.

He sensed a few figures behind him and did not enjoy the company.

He turned around to be graced with the Avengers in person. "Hey! I'm a biiig fan of you guys but by the looks of it you are definitely not in a good mood and I have an aunt at home with food to eat, sooo... see ya I guess?" He took a step back to see that Iron-man took off behind him, Peter mentally swore in his head as he quickly swung away, trying to avoid the metal man... an arrow got lodged in his shoulder, but he took it off... not realising it was a damn tracker.

[PART 2]

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