Burn the house down

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/This is an original oneshot by yours truly~ This is a sad oneshot, Tell me if I made you cry or sad! Anyways, enjoy~/

                  Peter was with Morgan as the
                  Avengers were out on a
                  mission. It was simple first
                  but Peter felt something bad
                  was happening to both of
                  them, a fire.


Peter returned from school and chucked his bag to the wall, webbing it in place. He noticed it was quiet and that the Avengers were out on a mission due to the note on the table...

Familiar thudding footsteps were heard running to the boy who squealed: "Petey!" The small girl hugged him while holding her teddy. "Hey Mo!" He hugged the small girl and then felt as thought a danger was happening...

Peter froze while holding the young girl in his arms. "Mo... We have to go now." His tone was stern as he smelled the faint hint of smoke, the fire was coming from the stairs and it had blocked the elevator... He then heard faint crackling, the firey embered screeched of the flames. And with that Peter grabbed his bag ripping it off the webbing before putting the iron man helmet on his little sister's head.

When he noticed the fire wasn't an accident. It was on the bottom floor and everyone was evacuated, leaving them there... the fire esclated upwards and in that time Peter had managed to make replicas of both of them before crashing through the window, bag on back and sister in his arms.

He shot a web to the wall of the building, making his way down and escaping while the fire consumed his made replicas...

Tony got an alert about the fire and heard they evacuated but Peter and Morgan were trapped in the building, they were just coming back from the mission... Tony sped up to the tower and saw Pepper crying, he asked if they survived... all they got were tears and saddened noises.

He turned over to see the fire fighters holding charred, ashed bodies... Peter and Morgan Stark. The fire had gotten to them.


When the two siblings escaped the fire they were covered in ash and kept walking around, getting themselves by at Peter's money, eating sandwhiches and getting one bottle of water to share between the two of them... at some nights they stayed in the alley's with a ragged blanket which an elderly lady had given.

Weeks later they were wandering around and had a local orphanage take them in but only to stay in for a while, the person in charge of the orphanage was a friend of his Aunt May so the two stayed there for a few weeks..

And when they stayed there they got to help around and make friends with the kids, Peter made friends with Harley and he brought the boy along with Morgan to school. The school didn't mind and Flash didn't bother him as he got roasted by a 5 year old.

Cars passed by them and it was a normal day for them on the streets...

However in the tower it was a mess

They were quiet and missed the laughter and company of the kids, Tony took the toll the most however. He stayed in the lab and isolated himself while staying up late to busy himself and pretend as though they were there.

It wasn't the same, Spiderman wasn't found either and they still grieved over the siblings death.

To Morgan and Peter they were having a normal day at the orphanage until his sister got kidnapped, he was glad Morgan had kept a small tracker inside the ironman helmet which she always wore to remind her of home.

Peter put the suit on and disappeared to  follow the trail, coming across a villain... the one who caused the fire.

"Where is Morgan?" He said protectively while staring at the masked villain. "She's safe inside the building." When he turned to see the girl tied up with the helmet on her head he rushed to her but the building began to shake. "Careful, it is under construction. I can make this easy and simple for you.." The said villain grabbed a gun and aimed it at the boy, it was laced with poison potent enough to immobilize a human spider.

He shot it at Peter who protected his little sister, causing him to limp and fall down yet managing to untie the rope off Morgan in whom he pushed out.

"Run Mo..." And the building was kicked down by the person who seemed to control the environment and was a suicidal one. "You can't escape alive." The building shook and collapsed on Peter in which he managed to hold up, his sister was under him while she crawled away. "Only one of you can escape and who will it be?"

He heard his sister's protests but he finally got her to watch from the safe lines, Peter held the building as he screamed in pain... it crushed over him while a metal beam went through one of the holes in the building, piercing him from the back through to his chest. A scream of agony was heard as Morgan watched her brother die infront of her and she couldn't help... She saw the blood pooling around Peter's chest as the cruel crimson dripped down onto the grey concrete floor...

Morgan ran as Peter had told her to, running through the streets away from here.

Peter's vision started to blur as he began to see black spots, eyes started to droop before he gave up completely... lying flat underneath the concrete with the villain beside him dead. He achieved killing the hero.

No one was there to save Peter. To save Spiderman.


Morgan was alone as she walked around with a lost, sad expression expression behind the iron man helmet, tears and sniffling were heard...

and she bumped into a familiar figure. It was their father.

Tony had found them, his eyes sparkled when Morgan took off her helmet to show a teary child before hugging her father and wailing. "I missed you daddy!"

Tony seemed happy to see Morgan but didn't see Peter, he looked down at her and asked her...

"Where's Pete?"

The girl was silent then looked up at her father. "Petey isn't here anymore daddy..."

"What do you mean Morgan?" he gave a stern expression which held worry. "Petey protected me and a building collapsed on him daddy..." she started tearing up again as Tony seemed to break down. "Blood daddy... there was blood... Petey saved me..."

Then Morgan brought Tony to where Peter lay, his head and shoulders sticking out of the rubble with his eyes closed.

Blood pooled around him while another body was buried under the rubble... when the rubble was taken out they met Peter who had a metal pole stuck through his chest. The boy was dead. Peter was dead... Tony's son was dead.

And tomorrow it would have been Peter's birthday...

"I love you 3000 petey." Morgan said sadly under a whisper.


/did I make you cry?/

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