Forgotten Hero /1/

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/A requested oneshot by Amalgavoid, I hope this reaches your expectations! I tried my best!/

                  Peter thought when he got
                  adopted by Tony Stark it
                  would be a better life than
                  before, but he was wrong and
                  it hurt too much... until he
                  found someone else.


Peter always knew there was something up with this 'Flash' Thompson guy... He seemed... off. And it wasn't just his spidersense but him in general, the boy just makes Peter... shiver.

He thought that by being adopted by the Tony Stark would make his life better but his Parker Luck said so otherwise. It all started crumbling down when Flash got into his life and chucked him out like a lost abandoned toy.

The other took Peter's family, gradually bit by bit... Tearing him apart emotionally, he never knew what Flash wanted from him or why he hated him so much. He did nothing to the boy...

He stole away everyone before leaving Tony Stark for last. He knew that would break Peter, and break was an understatement... He felt broken. Demolished. Flash had already got to him and that wasn't the end of it, he took his one thing that he clung onto dearly. Spiderman.

He turned his city which he protected away from him, he framed him... and The Avengers joined in.

Peter didn't know what he did wrong.

And that boy stole eveything, ripping him apart until he was torn screaming on the floor in agony... tears rolling down his cheeks that gradually turned to blood.

He even stole his line that he held onto dearly because it was from his own family.

"With great power comes great responsibility..."

Peter knew what it really meant, and he stuck to that small meaning while the other never understood what those words really meant.

"With the ability to save others, it comes with the curse to sacrifice family before yourself."

Peter never knew he was chucked away and replaced, he went into hiding and his best friend even turned away from him just because he wasn't Spiderman. He still kept close contact with MJ though, in which she definitely threatened to beat the sh.t out of Ned, but she was all the way in England to help him...

Getting adopted by Tony Stark was heartbreaking, it did the opposite than help him.

But this wasn't the end of his torture.

And all of this?

Peter was only a 14 year old boy.

He read a book that he stuck to the most, The whole series... 'A child named it' to 'A man named Dave'  it was written by Dave Pelzer /this is an actual book/ about him recovering from abuse, mentally and physically...

He hoped he could do that too!

More bruises came, more emotionally attacking scars came... the books weren't lies, it would take time. But he had no-one to escape to. Not like Dave did.

It was another day, another day with only FRIDAY as comfort... only as those books as comfort.

"Peter, how are you doing?"

"I... I wanna die FRI... I wanna... I really..." He began to break down and sob, which turned into wailing, the Ai tried to comfort the boy... she was the only one that appreciated him.

"I'm always here Peter. You can always talk to me."

At times to relieve the pain Peter always felt like he wanted to slit his wrists, but whenever he picked a sharp object and felt it on his vulnerable skin he was too scared to. Instead? he would write all his thoughts down or write a tally chart titled: 'KYS'

It would go from 1 each day to 5. He had panic attacks in his room and no one was there to comfort him...

At times when he went out and even never went back to the tower he talked to himself and made his own imaginary friend, someone in his mind which convinced him relaxing thoughts such as whenever there was water he could drown in it. It always comforted him while he dazed in those dreams to being suffocated

while he walked through the bridge, The news would go on and talk about Flash, in what Peter knew as stealing what was from him...

With what Peter had he just walked around with no care, not wanting to talk he forced himself mute. Not even doing Sign Language... He never talked to anyone and since some others never knew his identity behind the mask people took pity.

Peter was just a broken toy, he was more than broken. He was unfixable, and if you tried to pick him up again he would be a lifeless corpse.

His imaginary friend even thought about him getting in a hit and run, in so mamy good chances Peter could have... but he decided not to.

He would get called on his phone by Tony Stark but would end the call and block his number, or any of the Avengers in fact. He was sure they never worried about him, he felt warm tears fall down his face in vulnerability, no words escaping his lips while the boy sat down on the edge of the bridge where it was empty...

And there he slept in the night, dreaming about falling in the water and suffocating to get away from his mistakes and all that he did wrong. If he saw the Avenger's cry then he would be happy he died, not because they cried. But because he died bearing all the guilt.

People left him on the side when he opened his eyes, it was morning.

He had many calls from Pepper Potts in which were missed before he blocked her number too. A voice numbed his feelings as his soft happy brown doe eyes dulled down to a saddened empty dark brown which tinted with grey.

'I think you should just die already, take my advice, they won't care about you but i'll always be here Petey'

Were those words that struck Peter with a sickening happy grin.

His imaginary friend in his head always seemed to cheer him up, only thinking his responses in his head: 'I'll gladly do it. I'll take your advice.'

Peter finally felt peace as he fell down below to the water. His body engulfed in it while no regrets racked his brain, he fell deeper and deeper...


/cliffhanger :)/

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