Young but old

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/This is an original oneshot by yours truly~ sad one once again! Get ready~ Peter isn't Spiderman, he has high metabolism, healing, strength etc... except sticking to walls/

                 Peter had to take care of his
                 father figure and his little
                 sister by himself along with
                 balancing school, helping
                 others, and jobs. He put
                 himself to the brink of
                 exhaustion to help the people
                 he loves, too selfless... he was
                 to young to be old.


"Petey?" his little sister tugged his leg gently as the brown haired boy gave a sweet smile to her, the bruises and cuts on his body.

They stung alot as they were deeper than the last, his lack of sleep had not helped with the healing process however and it was slower than usual.

"Petey are you ok?" His little sister asked him in worry while Peter knelt down to her height and ruffled her hair reassuringly. "Petey's alright Mo, daddy's just angry but he'll be nice again" The boy picked up his little sister and brought her out to get ice cream

"What would you like to eat Mo?" The boy gave a bright smile as he looked at the small girl in whom made a bright excited expression.

"Mint chocolate chip!" Peter ordered one for Morgan before the small girl gave a pout while her eyebrows furrowed at why her brother hadn't bought one for himself. "Petey why not get one?" The boy shook his head and smiled which reassured the small girl slightly.

When the two walked home, Tony still wasn't in a good mood. He could sense it and shivered... It wasn't going to be good.

He let Morgan go to her room and closed the door, when he tried to say a small: 'Hey Mr Stark' the man threw a bottle at him in which the boy managed to hold in whimpers. Tony was upset again... He tuned out the shouts and accusations but they all hit him hard in the heart.

He was sure Morgan could hear the screaming and shouts of her father while Peter muttered small apologies, the boy just wanted to fall faint on the floor but had to stand tall.

After the usual horrific piercing speech from Tony he walked to his room and locked the door. He never blamed Tony for his actions.

And he never payed attention to his biological daughter called Morgan. Sometimes Peter would think it would be the effects of the time after the war, that it may have affected the billionaire that much... but he was never sure.

Trying to sleep but failing as he woke up for the next day...

School. The only place Peter didn't appreciate, He took Morgan to go with Aunt May away from Tony while he noticed he was in a bad mood as usual.

When the boy walked into the school he had cuts and bruises on his face, an exhausted expression was present and his classmates wondered where the happy smile of Peter Parker was gone... even Flash. He felt for the boy and the two talked mildly but only ever as acquaintances.

Whenever they asked Peter just said he was alright in which he really wasn't...

The teachers let him sleep in class with the look of exhaustion he had, but worry grew on them when they noticed symptoms...

Every touch Peter would flinch at and the exhaustion in his eyes, recurring bruises and cuts which were definitely still with glass shards in them.


But Peter just denied it saying he was alright... They couldn't persist or it would make everything worse. They really worry for the boy.

The last bell rung as the brown haired boy got up, slugging his bag onto his back before trudging out of the school. He helped a few ladies or other people with their chores in which they were thankful for and very grateful.

The usual routine that he had after picking Morgan up again.

And whenever Peter was in his room away from Morgan, when she was in her room playing dolls and the stranger he called a father-figure is outside... He takes out the bottle of alcohol from his hidden stash -he stole the alcohol from Tony-

Then he begins to chug it down until he could fall asleep, or keep everything to himself and mutter things that to him seemed true about himself. That whatever Tony said to him was true... It helped him calm down so as to not get suffocated and drowning inside his cell.

Peter always tried to calm Tony down but it never works.

On some days the man would be alright in which he was grateful for, he left the man alone and went out with Morgan to not let her feel alone.

He never knew that whenever he tried closing his eyes on some days that it would replay the last lashing that he had been given that day, it would replay with every word clear as acid.

The boy would sometimes contemplate on how he grew up too fast, wondering on how if life was different he would get to live normally.


He had to take a breather one night, which ended up with the boy opening his window, bag filled with alcohol.

There was a rope connecting from his window to the roof, he made a small contraption to go up there and look at the stars. To stay there and hope that his situation would get better...

When the boy finally got to the top and opened his bag, holding one bottle to his lips he sat down while staring at the colourful sky...

Everything was fine while he looked at each and every star individually, a genuine peaceful smile gracing his lips at the sight... it was peaceful and he was sure Morgan would be asleep now.

"Peter?" It was a soft tone of worry from a familiar stranger, The boy stared at the man who was now on the roof infront of him. Peter put the bottle down and tilted his head at him... not seeming to recognise who the stranger was.

"Who're you?" His voice was slurred as he didn't appreciate the fact he was being disturbed.

"Don't you remember who I am?" The stranger asked the boy in whom he shook his head, seeming very confused at the person who seemed to worry for the boy's sake

"Aun' May? That 'ou?" When what Peter recognised as a male he scratched that out.

"Who the 'ell are you?"

The man took a step towards the boy in whom Peter holding the empty bottle in his hand pointed at the man. "Get lost will you?"

Tony stared at the boy infront of him. The one who used to be so bubbly, so kind... innocent. But there the boy stood... broken, unrecognisable, drunk, exhausted and filled with cuts.

What did Tony do to Peter? He saw a reflection of himself when he was in this state. It pained him.

He didn't want Peter to be in this state.

Yet he made this monster.

He had calmed down and managed to get over his trauma, remembering on how understanding the kid was... he missed the kid when he got back to where he was.

Whenever he was going to make a kind gesture to the boy he flinched away and preserved himself.

It hurt alot.

It had been a week since he was out of it, always just longing to hug the kid. To see the boy smile again, to be happy... but whenever he took a step forward he flinched away.

When he had found the boy on the roof he wanted to talk, not to see the boy on the roof repeating what he himself had down before...

[Part 1]

/Next will be the first Alternate ending/

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