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"So you and Seokmin will leave a week earlier than Minghao and Vernon?" Mingyu asked, eyebrows both raised.

Seungkwan nodded before sighing. He really do want to join the program and fly to New York but thinking of being far away from Mingyu saddens him. Clingy, if that what it is. Surely, he will miss how Mingyu would always bother and annoy the hell out of him, also his presence. Probably the kisses too.

It frustrates Seungkwan just by thinking that. A week already passed and just as what the Dean told them, they'll be leaving after a month which now gives them three weeks of preparations. But as what Seungkwan told Mingyu, him and Seokmin will fly a week earlier than Hansol and Minghao.

"I only have two weeks to prepare. We only have two weeks, Mingyu." Seungkwan sulks and his steps went slower.

Mingyu sighs and matches Seungkwan's pace. "Yeah. It sucks."

Seungkwan rolled his eyes. "Suck me."

"What?" Mingyu snorts. "We're inside the university Boo, I can't-"

Seungkwan hit him on the head. "I'm just joking. How gullible."

Mingyu pouted and shut his mouth, walking beside Seungkwan.

"I forgot," Seungkwan clings on Mingyu's arms. "Jihoon hyung asked me for a night out with Jeonghan hyung this weekend, to spend my remaining days. You know.."

Mingyu ruffles Seungkwan's hair. "Sure. Just don't drink too much."

Seungkwan nodded with a wide smile on his face. "Thanks."

"Speaking of Jihoon hyung, I saw him with Soonyoung hyung last friday. I think they're already back on track?" Mingyu said as he take a hold of Seungkwan's hands, intertwining their fingers.

"For real?!" Seungkwan asked, shock were written all over his face.

"Real, like real."

"At last!"

"Hey Boo, want to skip class?"

Seungkwan turn his head to face his boyfriend who's grinning from ear to ear.

"Hell yeah!"


The strong wind from the open window of the car hits Seungkwan's face as it slowly gets numb. His hair flew backwards and it gets messier and messier but he doesn't care at all.

Mingyu on the driver's seat, took a glance at his boyfriend and a smile form on the corner of his lips.

"Where did you even get this pickup?" Seungkwan diverts his gaze to Mingyu. He can feel the static on his skin from the strong wind.

"Seungcheol hyung." Mingyu winked at him. "He let me use this since I told him I want to date you."

"Thanks to me?" Seungkwan chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess."

They've been hitting the road since this morning and all they do is drive around the town, exploring places and eat, also, did a lot of groceries just for snack shopping.

The sun's already setting and the whole view, how it gets dimmer and how the sky turns orange, is eye pleasing. Seungkwan just loved it.

They end their destination to Han River and Mingyu park the car where there is a better view of the place. It's already dark when they arrived but there are still people going around, lights were still up late that night.

"Let's go out. I prepared something for you on the truck bed." Mingyu leads the way out and Seungkwan followed him, anticipating on what's behind.

They both walk at the back of the car and Mingyu hops on the truck bed and offer his hand to help Seungkwan up.

Seungkwan who's confused, just watch Mingyu.

The tall guy finds his way on the corner and turn on something. Fairy lights starts to lit up and it's surrounding every corner of the truck bed.

Seungkwan turn around while Mingyu pulled him to sit down. "Mingyu, what's this..?" he asked while still amazed with the colorful lights surrounding them.

Mingyu just shrug. "I knew you'll like it." he then grab the guitar just beside him. "Hey Boo."

With a smile still drawn on his lips, Seungkwan faced Mingyu. His world stopped for a moment. That look on Mingyu's eyes made him feel like he's the only guy who's making him happy. His eyes were smiling with his lips showing his cutely little canines, just like a cute puppy.

"I wrote a song." The tall guy said, his cheeks went blushing. "Jihoon hyung actually helped me with this but it's for you so.. yeah. I want you to hear this song before you leave."

"Why are you making it sound like we're not going to meet again?" Seungkwan pouted as he hit Mingyu on his shoulder. "I hate you."

Mingyu just laugh at him and planted a quick peck on his forehead. He winks at Seungkwan before strumming on his guitar.

Even though we don't know
When our last will be
Even if something happens
And we can't see each other
Lean on me

Seungkwan's eyes were all on Mingyu who's keeping his glance on his strumming fingers on the guitar and back to Seungkwan. They exchange sweet smiles, both cheeks painted in pink.

If I am in your heart
If I am really in your heart
Wherever you are
I will follow you

Even if we're so busy
That we can't see each other often
If we get drunk on each other and fall asleep
In the dreams, don't hesitate
Lean on me

Tears starts to form on the corner of Seungkwan's eyes. Mingyu don't make this hard for me..

Mingyu let his heart out, telling Seungkwan what he really feels through the song. His smile and his loving voice just melts Seungkwan that the tears starts rolling down his cheeks. Not because he hates the song, he really loves it. Tears keeps on falling while his lips were smiling wide, watching Mingyu. Their eyes won't let go of each other.

Mingyu ended the song while mouthing the word "I love you." He placed the guitar at his side and move closer to Seungkwan. He teasingly laugh at his lover as he wipes away the tears with his thumb. "You're such a crybaby. Do you hate my song?"

Seungkwan hit Mingyu once again, now on the chest. "Why would I hate it? I love it. You're really annoying. Why do you have to do this? You're making it hard for me to leave." he pouted.

"How I wish."

"So you don't want me to leave-"

"Don't misunderstand me. Honestly, I don't want you to leave but I also want you to. It's for you, Seungkwan. Just like I told you, I'm just here no matter what." He smiled at Seungkwan, his fingers find its way on the guy's hair, gently shoving it away from the forehead. He then caresses Seungkwan's chin, stares at his eyes with full of adoration. "And I'm still here when you come back. I love you."

Another set of tears fell and Seungkwan is already a sobbing mess. "I love you too, idiot."

Mingyu laughs at how funny Seungkwan is looking at the very moment. He embraced Seungkwan in a tight hug and planted a kiss on the top of his head. "I'll wait for you."

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