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The very first thing that wakes up Mingyu is the doorbell, ringing. He stood up and saw that Seungkwan is still sleeping. A smile formed on his lips as he heard a snore that made him shake his head.

He left the room as silent as he could and walk downstairs, heading to the door.

"Who could it be at this hour?" he reaches for the door and opens it while yawning. "Good morn-"

"Where's Seungkwan?"


"Yes. This is me. And where the hell is Seungkwan?"

Mingyu yawns once again and rubs his eyes, it was evident that he just came from sleep. "He's upstairs. Sleeping. In my room."

Jihoon gapes. His too small eyes were now open wide in shock. "In your room..? What- why- the hell?!"

The small guy shove Mingyu and walked inside, heading upstairs as fast as he could. Mingyu followed him.


Jihoon reached the second floor and saw three doors that might be a room. "Where's your room." says Jihoon. Not sounding like a question but a command.

"The one on the right."

The small guy walked towards the door immediately and opens it. As soon as the door swings open, he saw Seungkwan sleeping soundly. He was about to open his mouth when someone grip on his wrist.

"He's sleeping, don't wake him up." Mingyu whispered to him.

Jihoon's rage starts to go down.

Mingyu looks at Seungkwan and walks silently towards him. He tucks the guy with the comforter before facing Jihoon and mouthed "Let's just talk downstairs."

Jihoon actually didn't understand what Mingyu said and just follows the big guy leaving the room. He stares at Mingyu who's walking towards the stairs while yawning again. His worries somewhat disappears and didn't noticed that he's already grinning. Okay man, are they really dating because what the fuck did I just saw? I never saw Mingyu care like that towards anyone at all.

"Heh shortie, are you coming or nah?"

Jihoon's grins turns into a deadpan. "I was actually considering you as a nice guy but yeah, you're still an asshole." he walks ahead Mingyu and keeps his steps until they both reached the living room.

Mingyu throws himself on the sofa while Jihoon sits beside him. "First of all, hyung. Why are you here at this hour? Really? It's six o'clock in the morning."

"I just came from Busan and I head here first just to check on Seungkwan." Jihoon crossed his arms.

Mingyu crosses his arms too and raises an eyebrow. "Why are you too worried that Seungkwan's with me?"

"I don't want Boo hurting and if you two are really dating, he might end up like a mess." Jihoon states with a straight face. "You're Kim Mingyu, the total player. Who wouldn't be worried with that?"

"I'm not!" Mingyu hisses.

"You are." Jihoon rolls his eyes. "And how the fuck did you met Seungkwan? I mean when? Where? Since when did he came back to Seoul?"

Mingyu was about to open his mouth when someone speaks and both of them turn their heads towards the stairs.

"Jihoon hyung?" Seungkwan pauses for a moment then runs towards the small guy. He imprisoned him in a tight hug.

"You're choking me." Jihoon comments and Seungkwan pulls away with a pout. "Look, I missed you but don't choke me with a hug."

"It's been a year and you're still a Grinch." Seungkwan giggles and hugs Jihoon again who didn't prostest this time, instead, he hugs him too as tight as he could.

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