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Fast foot steps came rushing up the stairs and bangs on Mingyu's door.

"Oppa! I'm home!"

A teenage girl, younger than Mingyu, turns the doorknob and enters the room without waiting for any response. She was about to yell but she gasps in surprise.

Mingyu heard the sudden noise that woken him up.  He stretches his arms and rubs his eyes before squinting it to adjust his eyesight. He sits up and saw the young girl on the door so he flashes a smile.

"Hey, Minseo." Mingyu greets her but the girl is still unmoved and his eyes were wide, staring at the bed he is occupying. That's just when he realized what his sister just saw. "Oh no no.."

"Oh my God.. Mingyu can you explain this.." the girl's attention were still on the bed occupied by his brother and where Seungkwan is sleeping.

Mingyu immediately stands up.

Seungkwan felt the sudden movements. He groans before he slowly opens his eyes, blinking and with knitted eyebrows.

"Minseo it's not what you are thinking-"

"No oppa, I saw it clearly with my two eyes!" she covers his mouth when Seungkwan sits up with his messy blonde hair. "What the heck- I thought that's a girl- oh my- so you have a boyfriend?!"

"Fuck." Mingyu curses and stomps a foot. "Mom didn't tell you?"

"Do you think I knew? When I'm standing here almost having a heart attack?!" Minseo blabbers. "And what she didn't tell me?" his eyes landed on confused Seungkwan as an idea came up to his mind. "So you take home your boyfriend and decided to live in the same roof..?"

Mingyu stares at his sister because their conversation is hopeless.

Seungkwan stands up too and smiles at the newly came girl, an awkward one. He scratches the back of his head before deciding to speak. "I should just probably introduce myself first. Uhm. I'm Boo Seungkwan and I'm-"

"Mingyu's boyfriend?" Minseo cuts him off that gathers a groan from Mingyu.

"Let him speak?!"

Minseo rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Fine."

"So yeah, I'm Boo Seungkwan and I'm from Jeju. Your mom offered me to stay here at your house because I'm his long lost friend's son." Seungkwan nods and looks at Mingyu who just gave him a smile. "And I'm not Mingyu's boyfriend. I have high standards, young lady."

Mingyu's eyes widens. "Woah, Boo. Did I already told you that I hate you?"

Minseo burst into laughter that annoys Mingyu more. "Holy cow, I think I like Seungkwan oppa."

"I like you too." Seungkwan's awkward smiles turn into confident one.

Seungkwan looks at Mingyu once again who's now glaring down at him. He laughs when he sees Mingyu's sulky face.

"I'll go down, Mingyu oppa. Cook some breakfast. I'm hungry and I just came so please.." Minseo rubs her stomach and looks at Seungkwan. She gave him a smile. "Will probably talk to you later." she waves at him before exiting the room.

Seungkwan keeps on laughing at Mingyu while the tall guy is all pouty. Minutes passed when Seungkwan realized something.

"Oh shit. Mingyu. What time is it?"

"I'm not a clock." answers Mingyu who's still sulking.

Seungkwan grabs his phone and checks the time. "Fuck! I'm late!"

Seungkwan rushes to his cabinet and grabs any clothes in sight and runs towards the bathroom.

"I'll skip breakfast! I have a rehearsal with Seokmin so I'll just text you in the afternoon if I can go home with you." Seungkwan yells while inside the bathroom.

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