 S U I C I D E

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What is suicide?

I tried to ask myself this, in every cut I inflicted on myself.

In every attempt I took and in every help I pleaded.

Suicide is selfish - is what I read from the internet

Suicide is not an option – is what society said

Suicide is not beautiful - is what a senior of mine told me

Then what is it?

Suicide is just for inferior and dramatic people – is what my family said

Suicide is just for attention seekers, like you – is what every person who judged me said

Suicide is nothing more than killing yourself because you had enough.

You had enough of living. Move on and Stop making excuses and just start living – is what my friends said

Suicide is the only way to escape everything – said the demon inside me

Tell me, what exactly is suicide for you?


PROJECT: LOST & FOUNDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن