"I do," she continued. "And I want to help you."

She felt Hailey leaning back, but Amber grabbed her hips, forcing her to not move. Amber lifted her eyes to find a smile creeping on her teacher's lips.

Hailey's hands were soon gently grasping the sides of Amber's neck. Her heart pounded as she leaned down, yet even closer to Amber than before. Their lips were eventually connected once more.

Hailey gave her a gentle peck, but Amber craved more. As Hailey pulled away, Amber jumped up to crash their lips together again. Hailey gasped lightly against Amber's lips, but held tightly onto her as she got into the kiss.

It was just growing passionate when the sound of someone entering the bathroom interrupted the kiss. The two of their heads' darted towards the door to find an older woman staring blindly at them. Her eyes were wide, but she brushed on past them to enter a nearby stall.

Hailey checked back at Amber and giggled before grabbing her hand and leading her out of the stall.

Amber found that kissing Hailey made her feel so much better. Her tears were gone and immediately dried, and her lips had pulled up when Hailey had said the magic word: 'love.' Was she being serious? Did she truly love her? That was a big word to Amber with a real big meaning. She never believed it should be misused, and prayed Hailey thought the same thing.

Once the two were back at the table, Hailey spoke up first. "We still got an hour left. Would you like to talk about other things?" She suggested with a small smile.

"What kind of other things?"

Hailey shrugged. "I don't know...anything. Let's just get to know each other," Hailey offered as her cheeks turned a light pink.

Amber knew she was grinning but made no attempt to stop it. "Okay, I'd like that."

And with her agreement, the two began to talk over cups of coffee, acting like a simple older woman and a younger girl who were falling in love with each other. Hailey really was not much older than Amber, but the oldest girl Amber had dated was two years older than her. So for her, this was a jump. But she didn't mind; this girl was worth something. She was special and amazing in so many ways. Amber had not doubted one thing she had told her, as she knew she could believe her. So maybe Hailey was correct when she said she could tell by Asher's face that he was on their side. It was just like Amber: she was believing Hailey without any true proof she could.

But they avoided any stressful conversation for the rest of the hour. They talked about past times, their interests, and all sorts of other things. Amber considered it the fastest hour of her life, as Hailey pronounced it was time for her to go.

"I should leave before Luna gets here," she told Amber.

Amber sighed in disappointment, even though she knew she was right. "Yeah, okay."

Hailey smiled slightly at her and began to stand, but Amber forced her to stop. "Wait."

She watched as Hailey looked back at her, half standing and half sitting. "Hm?"

"Did you mean what you said?" Amber blurted out without plan. "Like...that you love me and all?"

Hailey slowly sat back down. "Yes, Amber. I did."

Amber smiled shyly. "Okay, that's all I needed to know."

Hailey smiled back and leaned in to kiss her cheek before standing back up from the table. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ms. Hunting."

Amber grinned with pink cheeks. "Yes, Ms. Deprey."

Hailey giggled and waved before leaving the coffee shop.

Amber fiddled with her empty cup and stared outside the window to watch for Luna's car. While she waited, she went back to consuming all that Hailey said. She was royalty. That there was mind-blowing to Amber; she would have never imagined such a fact. Maybe Luna also treated them all this way because she was jealous. She still had Amber confused over the jealousy thing with Eva, but since her and Eva where only back to friends, that factor did not really matter anymore. Along with the fact that Asher had gone through a lot to stalk her was plain odd. He seriously perked her intrests.

She recalled back to the day when she had been captured. Everyone kept mentioning they needed to wait until she was eighteen. What were they meaning by that? Amber silently cursed herself. She should have asked Hailey.

Luna's car appeared in the parking lot, and Amber jumped up and tossed her cup out before leaving. She quickly worked up her lies as she entered the car with her mistress.

"Hey, Amber. How'd the session go?"

"It was real helpful," Amber chirped with a smile.

Luna offered her a smile back. "I'm glad."

On the way back to the house, Amber had to swallow down each urge to bring up what Hailey told her. She knew she would eventually get the chance to confront Luna, and when that time came, Amber would jump on it like a cat jumps on a mouse.

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