Assignment: Track and Eliminate

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Underground Holding

Katy pulled the heavy metal door leading to the cell, dragging a metal chair behind her. Inside, Ilya jumped to his feet at the sounds, ready to fight back at whatever came at him. She was but a dark figure to him as she shut the door behind her. Katy was usually as non-threatening as they came, but when she was working as Agent Rose, all of that disappeared and something seemed to flip a switch inside of her. Sometimes she wondered if her tendencies as Agent Rose arose from her years with the Collector. What she did on her assignments sometimes felt too good. Too right. But right now she didn't have the time to be wondering about her psyche. Agent Rose had a job to do and she didn't need these thoughts and emotions.

She swung the chair towards Ilya. "Sit." She commanded. Ilya's body was poised to fight, but something in her voice compelled him to obey. Before he could properly think, he found himself seated in the chair facing her. He could see her clearly now. In the light, she looked harmless. A slender, attractive red-head who looked like she was still in college. A smirk formed on his lips, a singe thought forming in his mind. "I could take her down easily."

"Don't you know who I am?" He challenged her. Confidence building in him.

"Ilya Lebedev. President of Chemical Operations. Head of TOXX, a terrorist group wanted for multiple chemical attacks and assassinations globally..." Katy listed off his details.

"What are you after? Who do you work for?" He continued to dig, determined to wipe out their organization for what they've done.

"You don't really want to know..." Katy breathed into his year, her voice laced with blood lust. Her words sending terror coursing through him. Katy did not give him another chance to question her. The cold metal of the blade she held to his cheek took his words away. "It's time for you to answer my questions..Ilya Lebedev." Every cell in his body screamed at the danger he was trapped with.

He tried to move. His body betrayed him, paralyzed in fear of the blood lust emanating from the woman behind him. How could she paralyze him like this? Katy had found that her thirst for blood, her eagerness to cut into their flesh, and her lust for their cries of pain usually bound her prisoners for her so she had no use for rope. With her prey under her control, she could begin her interrogation. Katy found no use of the many tools that had been left behind for her. All she needed was her knife and her voice. She could make any man talk.

[Several Hours later]

Katy emerged from the cell, leaving bloody footprints behind her. The light in the cell flickered, momentarily hiding the horror that she left behind. His lifeless body slumped in the chair, his head gazing at the ceiling eternally and his arms lay in a pile at his feet. Horror and fear was etched in his mutilated face. All signs of Ilya Lebedev had vanished from the body.

Katy returned to the other room, cleaning the blood off her knife. In contrast to the bloodbath that had occurred in the cell, not a single drop of blood had made its way onto her. She collapsed into the bed, exhausted. Her eyes fluttered close, darkness taking over.

She stood in front of a mirror, her reflection looking back at her. She stared back at it, a shiver running down her spine. It wasn't her. Yet, it was her. The image change when she blinked. The Collector, Johnathan Colle, was staring back at her.

"You can never escape me my broken butterfly..." His voice sent a chill down her spine.

"You're dead! I've already escaped!"

"You can't keep lying to yourself... Look at who you've become"

"! I'm nothing like you!" She yelled back at him. Refusing to believe his words.

"Really?" He was amused. "Don't you enjoy the blood? Their screams? The sensation when you cut into them? You're exactly like me darlin' "

"NO!" She screamed at the reflection. Her fist collided with the mirror, the image shattering into a million pieces.

"You can never escape me.. I'm inside of you.." His voice echoed, taunting her...

Katy shot up in the bed. Cold sweat trickled down her forehead. Her whole body trembled, his words replaying inside her head. Deep down she knew his words were true. She excelled in assignments of these nature so most of her assignments left a trail of bodies in her wake. Now that she really thought about it, she was just like him. She enjoyed her kills. Their cries of pain. The blood. The feel of cutting into them.

She shook her head to clear those thoughts. She didn't have time to be thinking like that. She had to finish the rest of her assignment. According to Ilya, there were 8 more members of his cell. He only knew the location of 1 of them so she had to hunt and interrogate them one by one to finish them all. She sighed. With these thoughts in her head, she had a feeling that this particular assignment was going to be a long one...

An Apartment [Russia, one week later]

Katy was sitting on the couch in the small studio apartment. Katy seemed to have aged in the past week. Her brow was furrowed causing the weariness to settle in her wrinkles. Her mind had never stopped spinning. Details of her prey collided with memories of her past, the collector's work, Spencer...Spencer... Spencer...

She clutched at her phone in her pocket, recounting the messages she had exchanged with him over the past week. She really shouldn't keep talking to him. Agents of the Garden were prohibited from having close relations. Most didn't even have family. Their work was far to dangerous to have any possible leverage points to give to the enemy. She knew that she needed to stay away from him. For both their sakes. But he was the only one keeping her tethered to this world in her current mental state. She had never been able to connect with anyone like she did with Spencer. He understood her. Understood her like no one else could.

She sighed, rubbing her temples. She forced those thoughts out of her mind and turned back to the task at hand. Most of the other members in Ilya's cell had been easy to locate, interrogate and eliminate. All that was left was Maria Lebedev. His sister. She was much harder to track than Katy had anticipated. None of the others had any information on her whereabouts. After a few painstaking days of searching and more blood shed, she had finally tracked down her location. One more kill and then she would done. She used to relish her assignments, but now, she couldn't wait for it to be over.

Click. The door knob turned. Katy didn't move from her spot on the couch. A lady walked though the door, dropping her keys and purse on table by the door. She didn't even notice Katy on the couch until she was a few feet away. It was like time froze. Neither woman moved. Katy looked up at the woman, her eyes full of emotion.

"You've been a hard woman to find, Maria Lebedev..."


"Your memory is a monster. It summons with will of its own. You think you have a memory but it has you."

—John Irving


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