Cracking the Code

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Katy's Temporary Apartment [Later that night]



Katy scribbled out the string of numbers the Director had given her onto a blank sheet of paper. She stared at the numbers, the gears in her mind turning. One complex deciphering system after another, her mind worked with the numbers. She still had no luck hours later. Her mind was totally exhausted. Nothing seemed to work. 

"A good night's sleep will probably help.." She thought to herself. "I'll have a fresh look at it tomorrow morning." 

[The Next Morning]

Katy trudged out of the bedroom, sleep still in her bones. She rubbed sleep out of her eyes and put on a fresh pot. She glanced at the clock in the living room 8:02 A.M. She needed to solve the code quickly. From experience, she knew that Iris would only leave a days worth of food and water for her prisoner. Leaving the next agent a race against time to find them before the countdown ended with their death. 

As she poured herself a piping hot cup of fresh coffee, her phone buzzed. " one should have this number.." She rummaged around in her purse for her secondary phone that she used when she was on assignments. She looked at the new message and a small smile formed on her lips. 

Your code was not hard to solve 

"Spencer.." She mumbled to herself. She couldn't help but smile. He was right. The code she had given him was a simple alpha-numeric cipher with some minor arithmetic needed in order to get the correct answer. 

And here I thought I could stump you by making you overthink it

Her fingers flew across the screen quickly and her reply went flying into the digital world. She stared at the screen for a moment when it clicked in her head. Why didn't she think of it earlier? An alpha-numeric code with arithmetic! That was the deciphering system that she needed. 

Thank you. 

She thanked the boy genius. Although he would have no clue what the thanks was for. She smiled at him racking his brain trying to figure out why. She shook her head. She needed to get back on track. She shoved her phone back into her purse and settled at the kitchen table. With her pen in hand, she set to work plugging the numbers into a basic alpha-numeric cipher. 



After a couple of tries, Katy finally managed to form words with her code. There was more to this code, but she didn't know what names of Greek philosophers had to do with it. These names were familiar to her. Her adoptive uncle was a philosophy professor who specialized in Greek philosophers. She remembered reading their works whenever her family visited him. 

Dates? Birth? Death? It couldn't be it. There wasn't a concrete date that one could tie to all of them.   

Another alpha-numeric cipher? It doesn't make sense... 

Their works? Not plausible.. Some titles weren't in English so it would be hard for someone normal to utilize it. 

Someone normal... Her mind lingered on that. Someone normal wouldn't think too deeply about these names. To them, they would just be names. To me, it would make sense. So the didn't matter... She took away the rest of the letters, leaving only the first letter of each. 

F   G   G   E   H   B 

G   H   G   D   H   C 

Now the code looked much more manageable. Her mind kicked into high gear, numbers and letters flying everywhere. 

3   2   2   4   2   1   7

2   1   2   5   1   6

What could these numbers mean? Katy mused. They had to become some sort of coordinates... She remembered seeing a laptop in the bedroom. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, tens of combinations for those numbers and coordinates were checked with the map. Until, one plausible location caught her eye

32°24'21.7 S

2°12'51.6 W

That had to be Ilya Lebedev's location. She had no doubt. She had no time to lose. She had to leave now. The laptop was wiped clean, papers were destroyed. All signs of recent life were cleared from the apartment as Katy began her transformation. Her red curls fluttered in the early evening wind and she got into her car and sped off into the night towards her prisoner. 

Underground Holding 

Katy's dark figure made her way down the dimly lit tunnel. At the end of the tunnel was the heavy metal door holding Ilya. To the right was a small room that she could use during her time there. Ilya heard the sounds of her heels and one again, began pounding on the door. "Let me out!! LET ME OUT!" She ignored his cried and began planning her plan of attack. 

The small room was slightly better lit than the rest of the holding. Interrogation tools were pilled into a black duffel bag in the corner of the room, along with a few others who had not managed to fit inside it. A sad looking bed occupied most of the other side of the room, with a table perpendicular to it. There were some food and water left out for her as well. She glanced at her watch for the time. 2:21 P.M. Her stomach growled, complaining about the lack of lunch. 

"I guess Ilya's gonna have to wait just a bit more..." 


"There is no terror after the bang of the gun; only the anticipation in it." 

—Alfred Hitchcock


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