A Breakthrough

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"The UNSUB is a male between the ages of 40-50. Despite his age, his is very fit." Hotch began.

"He will most likely be divorced. He has a secluded place to keep and torture his victims without rousing suspicions." Rossi took over.

"He has a history with children, and they trust him." J.J said.

"Over the past 20 years, he has been dormant. He could have been in prison, or something happened that disallowed his to hunt for victims." Prentiss told the officers.

"He calls himself the Collector and he appears to be searching for a girl. We believe it could be his daughter, judging in the ages of the girl he abducts. " Morgan states.

"He takes girls ages 5-6. He keeps them for 3 weeks before dumping them. He tortures and rapes them. We believe that this is some sort of ritual." Reid says.

"The UNSUB has killed a total of 4 girls. He has also abducted a new victim. We need to find him before he can hurt Connie Green." Hotch concluded.

Just as the briefing concluded, Morgan's phone rang. "Hey baby girl," He answered. "you're on speaker."

"Well, I checked for men who have been imprisoned, have been divorced and are between 40-50." Garcia started. "And I got nothing. I did manage to figure out what was burned off their backs. It was a butterfly. The picture is on it's way."

"Thanks Garcia." Hotch said.

"Guys, you should see this." J.J said, turning on the TV.

"...A source told ABC news that the body found in a south D.C alley, was that of Marie Gold, 5 years old from Seattle. It is said that she was sexually abused and tortured to death. Sources say that was a victim of human trafficking due the presence of a butterfly branding on her back. Our sources says that it may be connected to the kidnapping of 6 year old Connie Green earlier today, and 3 other murders 20 years ago..."

"Agents, there is a caller on the line that says he has information on the kidnapping of Connie Green and the murder of Marie Gold," the detective told them, holding up the phone.

Hotch nodded and took the receiver from the detective. "This is SSA Aaron Hotcher from the FBI. You told the detective that you had some information?"

"Yes..." the voice replied. " I heard on the news that the body of that girl...um..Marie? she had a butterfly branded on her back. Is that true?"


"My...daughter...she...has a butterfly branded in her back as well...We adopted her 20 years ago..."

"Sir, can you come down to the station?"

"Of course..."

[An hour later]

"I'm Michael Jacobs."

"SSA Hotchner. These are SSA Morgan and Reid. Please take a seat."

"You said your daughter has the same branding?" Morgan asked.

Michael Jacobs nodded and proceeded to tell them about his daughter...


"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." 

—Albert Pine


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