I Make the Perfect Distraction, I guess?

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“Fine… what do you have in mind?”

“Okay, great. Now here’s the plan. I saw a couple of propane tanks at the back… I used to play this game, and one of the characters would attach this makeshift wick to the canister, ignite that and throw it over to the unsuspecting, brainless zombies and they’d blow up and stuff and you know, just die.” I said matter-of-factly, as if I’ve done this thing my whole life. 

Jisoo took one look at me and burst out laughing. 

Did I say anything funny?

“Oh my god, we're all going to die.” She finds the weirdest things funny. 

“This way is more efficient.”

“No Lisa, this way is going to get us all killed. Right babe?” She turned towards Chaeyoung whose forehead was creased in deep thought. 

“I’d agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.”

“See, your girlfriend makes sense.” I give her a smile. 

Seeing Jisoo’s shocked face was… rewarding in a way. 

“Alright then, we can try this out. The only real downside here is that they’re a bit scattered. If we throw one out at a group it’ll generate too much noise, who knows how many of them will swarm us then? We need one good shot that’ll take care of most if not all of them, just enough for us to sprint over to the car and leave this damn place.” Jennie spoke with much confidence -- something I’ll never have. One of the things I admire about her. 

“Fine, we’ll see if this works.” Jisoo rolled her eyes, but I could see the smile.

“Okay… why don’t we have one who’ll be the distraction?” Chaeyoung added with a weird looking smile. 

We looked at each other and burst out laughing, why? I have no clue. They were laughing so I was laughing. 

“Who’s it gonna be then? And how exactly is this distracting going to go?” I ask the best questions, that’s a fact. 

“I was joking.”

Or maybe not… 

“No, but seriously how are we going to execute all of this?” 

“Maybe… Chaeng has a point.” Jennie sat beside me and played with my bangs, I can’t see shit except for her delicate fingers and palm in front of my face (I’m not complaining -- don’t tell anyone I love it when does this)

“It can’t be me though, I have… like,  the shortest legs.” She’s funny, I love her. 

“Neither can it be me. I have the heaviest bag and I’m beginning to regret offering to bring all this food.” 

Jennie stopped doing whatever it was she was doing with my bangs (it was lowkey making me feel sleepy too) and gave me a kiss on the cheek instead before working on her gun. 

I looked at Chaeyoung and she looked back at me. I have the best idea. 

“Rock, paper scissors?” I mused. 

The End of the F*cking World: As Told By LisaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat