"There's this up and coming wine company, it looks promising... I want to buy them out." He explained, I'm sure there's a bit more to it than that but Beckham tends to keep me in the dark about a lot of his business dealings.

I understand why, insider trading is definitely a thing. Also half the time I find what he's saying boring as hell anyways. We both agree the less I know the better.

I nodded my head "Well-" I paused noticing the flashing lights and sirens in the rearview mirror. "Beckham, we're getting pulled over. Are you speeding?"

"No I'm not speeding." He rolled his eyes, pulling over to the side of the road. "Calm down."

I'm anything but calm. I could feel my palms start to get clammy. If we were still in Seattle I wouldn't be this stressed. I know the lay of the land there. Hell, I know the cops there. One of the few things my mother taught me as a child was that familiarizing yourself with the police could be the difference between life and death.

I took a deep breath, you're with the poster child of white privilege. Beckham was probably right when he said everything would be fine. Everything is fine when he gets pulled over by the cops, I'm just glad I wasn't the one driving.

Beckham rolled down the window, as the officer approached. "Evening, officer." He smiled, "What'd you stop us for?"

"You made an incomplete stop back at that intersection, some bullshit like that. This is a sweet ride! Had to get a closer look at this baby." He exclaimed taking a step back to look at Beckham's Audi R8.

I relaxed in my seat. Pulling someone over to talk about a car is complete bullshit. Now I understand Beckham's lack of apprehension if these are the interactions with police that he's accustomed to. There's no need for him to be concerned.

"2019 Audi R8, thinking about upgrading her to the newer model." He responded, "She drives like a dream though"

At this point I zoned out of the conversation. Until there was a knock of the passenger side window, I looked up to see Officer Buddy-Cop's partner staring down at me. This isn't even my vehicle, what the hell could he want with me?

"Beckham" I whispered, tapping his thigh trying to subtly gesture toward the cop that was standing outside my window.

Beckham rolled down the window for me, "Hey, was just taking to your partner here... Is there something I can help you with?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

The cop shook his head, "Not you. This one."

"Me?" I croaked out. My heart dropped to my stomach. "I don't understand.."

"I'm sure you do. There's only so many things a girl like you could be doing with a guy like him." He nodded his head toward Beckham, looking me up and down.

Disgust was written all over his face. He thinks I'm a prostitute, I'm fully clothed, barely showing any skin and that's the conclusion he came too. Because a girl like me is sitting in a car with a guy like Beckham, I just have to be a prostitute. I wasn't even surprised, mostly pissed. I knew better than to express my anger though. Close your eyes and count to ten Lennox, it should all be over soon.

"Hey, watch how you talk to my girlfriend." Beckham snapped.

"Beckham, he was simply mistaken. It's fine. No big deal." I rubbed his arm trying to calm him down, while doing my best to keep my voice steady so he didn't realize how terrified I was.

"No I don't think I was mistaken." The Officer who's name tag read Johnson, interjected. "I think I pegged you for exactly what you are." He stared straight into my eyes. His eyes were dark and cold, like he was soulless. I could feel bile rising in the back of my throat.

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