The monster with in Part 33

Start from the beginning

" wanna sniff" Park said 

" fuck yeah" I said

We hit it twice and I left with one of the girls. She was hot and giving me head, can't complain. If I wasn’t allowed to have the one thing that makes me happy why not find other ways that I am allowed right. I pulled up to me house, they were a lot of people inside. 

" let's go babe" I said while I zipped up my pants and open the door.

I walked with her in my arms to the part.

" Tran, finally " yelled Tony from the team

" what up bitches" I yelled

" took you long, but now I know why"  said Kevin with a smirk, but his eyes looked disapproving. 

" we'll you know me" I said I let go of the girl and walked straight to the bar tender. I got my self a drink, danced with some girls. I went to the basement for some real fun. Park was already down their with the goods.

" nice party Tran " Park said

" thanks" I said while taking a sit next to him and doing another line. At this point I was so high.

" what the fuck Richard" screamed Kimmy’s annoying voice

" what now bitch" I said 

" what is this" Kimmy said

" this is cocaine, you wanna try" I said

She screamed and dragged me up stairs to my room. I was so out if it, thank GOD or else I would have killed her.

" Richard this is it you" said Kimmy

" you got me all figured out now, well listen here this is me. The Richard you thought you knew is gone, and was just a cover up" I said and last thing I remember was slowly falling backward, well more like floating in the air and landing on a soft bed of feathers .

Jason Pov:

" you know you did this to him" I said while lining on Richards bedroom door.

" I didn't ask for this okay" yelled Kimmy

" don't fucking yell at me bitch, and yes you did, what did you think, you could just come and demand the marriage. Well this is Richard and looks like you have brought the monster with in him" I said

" this is not him, it's just a show to get rid of me" Kimmy said

" no it is not, this is a the real him and Amy had mange to prevent him from this some how, but you just had to come and ruin everything" Jason said

" what I didn't do this" Kimmy said

" yes you did, you ruined him and now get the fuck out, so I can take care of my best friend" I yelled at her

Kimmy looked scared and left, Richard was passed out on the bed. I don't know what is going on me, but I need to you to pull it together please. If not for me than Amy and your mom. We can't lose you again like last time. I took my phone and texted the crew to come here fast. While waiting for them, I was Park pass by the room.

" you fuck" I yelled and charged at him

" hello to you too" smirked Park

" I told you to stay away from him" I yelled and held Park by his shirt

" and I did, but he came to me, he is in a lot of pain and I can help" Park said 

" no you are the one that almost put him on this death bed" I yelled

" no I help with the pain, not my fault your friend here got carried away" Park said

" fuck you Park, and keep away from him, I don't think you want to take me down" I said

" well am I going to see angry Jason" said Park

" don't test me Park" I said

" leave it Park" said Jeff

" and their where three" parks said

I was so pissed, I punched Park right one the face. He fell to the ground, I punched the wall. I was getting angry, now, shit.

" Jason calm down, you knocked him cold" said Jeff

" that shit hole is no good when it comes to Richard, I don't want lose him again " I said

" I know bro, we need to clear out the party, the old man is coming home tomorrow" said Jeff

" I know, guys get this fucker out" I said 

The Guys from the football team dragged Park out of here. The crew and I started to get every one out, I called up the clean up crew. House looked nice and smelled cleaned.

Hope yall like it!!!

It is just getting better people, the Old man is back, Richard is going crazy, Where is AMy, and whats up with the new guy????

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