The monster with in Part 33

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Another Chapter for my followers!!!!!

Richard Pov: 

I was speeding through traffic in my Lamborghini. I am was so pissed off,  I needed to let lose before I kill some one. I looked over my contacts, perfect person.

Me: " Park"

Park: " what can I do for you Tran"

Me: " coming over in about fifteen, I need to usual"

Park: " will do, it's always a pleasure doing business with you" 

Me: " same, see you later bro"

I hang up the phone with Park, I saw two cars following me. Looks like the old men is back in town. I am bored might as well give these boys a drive. I took off at maximum speed ,I cut trough traffic and needed up losing them. I pulled up at Parks condo in downtown. I parked my car, and head up to his condo. I meet Park a month after my mom died, at some party I was in. We got along quickly back in South Korean. I wasn't doing well at home so, the old men sent me to stay with my grandma. And boy did I enjoy it there, Park saved my life well kind off. But he knew how to make the pain disappear. It got a little out of control, I almost died three times from over dose and got in a wreck five times. Guess I was lucky, but what got me clean was when I almost lost my grandma. She was so stressed out from my behavior and got a heart  attack. She was in a coma for about a month. I couldn't handle losing the only person that cared for me the most. I gave up meth and cocaine, but still need my weed now. But the weed it did not working any more.

" Tran welcome in my men" park said while opening his door.

" it's been a while Park" I said

" yeah tell me about it, last time I Saw you, you where in rehab" Park smirked

" yeah... Clearly that didn't work, now hit me" I said

" follow me to the patio my friend, and I got us some by Brazilian models too, two for each" Park said while we walked to him balcony. He had four naked  girls by the pool and a table lined up with cocaine. 

" you know me to well" I said while I took a sit. Before I sniffed I closed my eyes... Sorry mom and Grandma.

" your still do that shit" said Park 

" what" I asked

" you always close our eyes before taking a sniff" said Park

" guess something's don't change" I said and took a sniff.

The feeling was amazing, my pain instantly faded away. The girls came over me and started to take of my clothes, the rest of it was a blur to me. I woke up in a bed with four girls around me. I went to take a shower and got dressed. Almost for got I had a party to go too.  I closed the door and walked to the kitchen to find a half naked girl making food and Park sitting on the kitchen counter.

" the prince grants us with his presences again" said Park

" what the hell happen" I said while pouring my self a drink.

" well….. you fucked four girls and I had to call back up since I didn't get some, than you passed out" said Park

" shit, I don't remember" I said 

" it's happens, you want me to continue" Park said

" no I am good for now, about to head to my own party you down" I said

" fuck yeah, I never miss a Tran parties, and it's good to have you back" said Park

" feels good to be back" I said 

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