Chapter 8

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I stare at him in shock, "No I'd rather play the game instead, moron." He smirks and grabs my arm. I try and tare away from him but he grabs my other arm. My stick clangs to the ice and the arena goes quiet. I grit my teeth and scramble to get him off me. "Let me go ass hole!" I scream and he laughs, "I'm not giving up that easy." He pulls at my jersey and I fight back tears. I don't want to fight someone in my second game! And this guy is huge!

"Are you gonna cry now princess? I thought real hockey players fight!" He brings his face close to mine and hits my helmet off. I groan and blink away the dizziness. "Hey! She said stop!" I turn and see Will racing towards the guy and he throws me to the ground. I struggle to get up. "Stay there babe I'm coming!" Will yells and I watch in shock as he beats up the guy. When a visible split is showing on the guys lips, Will puts him down and skates to me.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He says but I'm to shocked to say anything. He helps me up and I lean into him as we skate off the ice and into the locker room. "Hey are you guys alright?" Mitch says and follows us in. Will sits me in my spot and gets on his knees to my level. "Babe...what happened?" He says and wipes blood from the side of my head where my helmet tore off. 

"I-I don't know...he just came after me..." Mitch takes the spot beside me, "I know he said more. When you were taking the face off." I nod and hold in tears. This is not the time for me to fall apart. "I'm going back out there." I say and try to stand up. Will hold my arms down, "You hit your head. Your staying here." I look him in the eyes, which I've been doing a lot this game, and sigh, "I need to prove myself. To that team. To our team. To the world." 

Mitch shakes his head, "Our team knows your tough." I glare at him, "Do they? Do they really?" He looks down. "Mhmm." I say and stand up, "Let's go boys. We got a show to put on." Mitch follows me back to the rink and Will stays to get his hands bandaged up. "Knock em dead tiger." Mitch whispers as I take my shift again. " to." He laughs and I skate on.

I skate past the New York bench and sure enough the guy is sitting there getting a towel pressed to his face. I show off the blood stain dripping down my cheek as I receive a pass right by their bench. I shoot and sure goes in. I throw my hands in the air and whip around to lock eyes with the moron. "Yeahhh!!" I scream and Auston and Kappy hug me. 

The arena cheers and we fist bump everyone on our way back to our bench. "Good job Mckena." Keefe smiles. I nod and take a seat. I look up to the box I know the girls are in and they wave to me. I laugh and wave back. The rest of the game is a blur.

I walk into the dressing room and Will is sitting there chilling with his shirt off. I sit next to him, "Are you okay?" I notice the bandages wrapped securely around his knuckles. He grips his hands and smiles, "I saw your goal." I laugh, "It was insane!" He gestures to the small t.v above the cubbies and I see myself scoring and screaming at the guy who wanted to fight me. "Pretty memorable." He says.

I start taking my equipment off and he watches me. "Thanks for saving me." I say. He leans down and holds my bag open for me, "No problem... I'll always protect my girl." I feel my cheeks heat up a little and he kisses my blood stained cheek. "Want me to get you something for that?" I shake my head, "It's a keepsake. I'll deal with it later." He shrugs and we chat more. It feels good talking to him normally again. Maybe I have the horny fighter to thank for that. What? He called me pretty. That's kinda like being horny right?

"Miss Mckena? Interview time." One of the coaches calls to me. I glance towards the door and gulp. "Don't worry baby. If you can show that guy who's boss you can handle a simple interview." Will smiles and kisses my hand before I go. I take a breath and exit the dressing room.

"Alright Miss right over here." I stand in place with cameras and tons of mics poking at me. I take a step back, over whelmed but they shove forward. I gulp again and hear someone yell action! "Great goal out there! Elaborate on it." A lady inches her microphone closer to me. "Umm...that's not a question." I mumble. She stares at me and I nod nervously, "Okay so um...I got an amazing pass from Auston and carried up the puck. I saw an opening and just went for it." She nods and everyone starts yelling over each other.

"Are you and William Nylander together? We couldn't help but over hear him call you 'babe' on the ice." I blush, "Uhh..." Then someone else says, "How did it feel getting carried off the rink by your boyfriend  William?" "Why didn't you fight Marc Semenov, new rookie of the New York rangers?" 

I shutter at that, "I was going to but I-I..." I trail off and turn to Keefe, "Do I have to do this now?" I feel him sense the tears behind my eyes and he stiffens. The press scream more questions at me and Keefe comes in front of me, "Okay everyone that's quite enough." I take my chance and dash back to the dressing room and slam the door when I get in. 

I pant and lean against the door. "Shit...what happened?" Mitch comes up to me but I shove him away. "I'm not doing this anymore." "Doing what?" He walks with me. "The interviews." I whine. A tear slips from my eye and I quickly wipe it away. I am most certainly not crying in front of these big tough hockey players. "Awwe Sage it's okay." He says. I give him a death glare. "Don't 'awwe Sage' me." I say. "Interviews are tough." Auston speaks up. "Yeah I hate em." John rolls his eyes, "All of them." I glance at Will looking at me with sympathy. "Can we just go home?" I mutter to Mitch and he starts packing his shit.

I change in the bathroom and leave before Will and Mitch so people don't start thinking things. I sit in the car till everyone comes. Steph gets in the back beside me, "Babe I saw what happened! Your unreal!" She gushes over my goal. I smile, "Thanks. That was one hell of a game." "And Will was so cute when he cut in I was gushing so hard." I laugh at that and then she grips my shoulders, "But really hun...are you okay? You look totally badass with that cut though!" I smile and pretend to show it off, "I know I love it!" 

"Do you wish you fought him?" She asks. I start at my lap, "Umm...I don't think I could've taken him." She scoffs, "Of course you could have! You looked so brave and all the girls were cheering their asses off!" I smiles at that. At least my friends think I'm doing something right.

Not that Easy | Sequel to FlawedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora