Chapter 2

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I wake up with Will's arms still wrapped around me. A pleasant awakening if you ask me! I try not to move in case he's still sleeping. "Babe? Are you up?" I look up and his beautiful face, "I think so." He chuckles, "What?" I giggle and lay my head on his chest. "What are we gonna do today?" I say. He begins to speak but I interrupt. "We can go out for breakfast, we can do paintball again...that was fun and maybe this time I can try not to break my ankle." He chuckles at that and continues, "Actually...we have a team meeting soon about the up coming road games."

I stare at him blankly. "You guys have meetings for that?" He nods, "There boring but they help." "Right." I say and look deeply into his eyes. "I love you." He says and kisses my nose. "I love you to...let's get dressed." He holds me tighter, "But we don't have to." I squeal and playfully try and get out of his grasp. "Baby...I'm literally not wearing anything." He looks at my lustfully, "Let's keep it that way." I smirk, "Oh getting dirty huh?" He smirks back, "Only if you want to."

I wrap my arms around his neck and force his lips onto mine. He grunts and I laugh against him. I pull away and wipe my mouth, "Worst kiss ever!" He also wipes his mouth, "Your the one that slobbered all over me!" I laugh and walk over to my dresser which we now share.

Will still has some stuff at his parents house and moved back with them after he sold his own condo. He didn't really need it as he pretty much is always with me here and his parents house is I guess a back up. I love both his parents deeply and one day maybe me and Will can have our own house with Mitch and Steph and some of the Leafs/lady leafs. It could be the party house ya know and..."Babe? Whatcha thinking about?" Will says. I shake my head, "Just...the future." He looks confused. I sigh and pull on my leggings, "I want to get a house with you and Mitch and Steph...and some of the players and their spouses." He nods, "I can see it. It would be like the party house." "Exactly!" I squeal. He smiles and stands towering over me.

I feel myself getting slightly nervous and hold my breath. He takes his hoodie off the dresser and slides it over my head. "Can you wear this today?" I look at it and see that it's his all star hoodie...his favorite. "Are you sure you don't want it?" He nods, "I like it on you." I gush and kiss his cheek. "Now let's get ready for this shitty meeting."

"Good morning lovely's!" Steph sings. "Oooo what are we makin?" I smile. "Eggs." She says. I nod, "Damn girl...need any help?" "Grab some spinach...maybe we can do something with that." I laugh and grab some from the fridge. I look over and see Mitch and Will do a handshake. "Here's some spinach!" I throw it in the pan and it cooks with the eggs. "Yum." Steph says. "Yum indeed!" I lick my lips.

We plate the food and munch on it quickly. "Is this dressy enough for a meeting?" I say out loud. Mitch shrugs, "I'm going in sweats so.." I nod, "I'll take that as a yes." "First NHL meeting!" Steph squeals. I laugh, "Yeah and I think your more excited than I am." "Oh come on!! It's gonna be fun!" She says. "Are you coming?" She shakes her head, "I'm gonna meet up with the girls...just a few are coming over...We'll all hang after the meet!" I feel an erge of sadness but smile and agree, "Yeah that'll be fun! Enjoy." And with that we walk out the door.

I sigh as we head to Mitch's car and Will kisses my forehead, "This is how life is'll still see the girls...just not that often." I nod, "I only got to be with them when you guys were I won't be there." "Don't worry baby, it'll work out." I think about how much fun the ladies are probably having right now as we make our way to the arena.

"Alright we're here." Mitch pulls up in the under ground parking and we enter the building. I follow close behind them as they make turn after turn. "How big is this place?" I say. Will chuckles, "Bigger than you know." We finally make it to the room and take our seats at a long table. Slowly more maple leafs file in and take the empty chairs.

Sheldon keefe walks in and starts his long ramble. I zone out only a few times and to me that's pretty good. "Alright and that concludes today's meeting any questions?" Everyone shakes their heads and starts leaving. "What did he say?" I ask Will who helps me out of my seat. "We're gonna start having the away games soon." "What does that mean?" He sighs, "We won't be home for a good week." My eyes go wide, "What? But how bout Steph and everyone else?" He shrugs, "Some come with us and some stay behind with their kids." "That's...that's terrible." I skulk. He smiles, "That's hockey."

We leave the arena and Mitch drives homes. I open the condo door and Steph greets us with a smile. "Hey guys!" I say and hug Ash and Lucy. "How was today?" Lucy asks. I shrug, "It was meh...but now we can hangout!" She smiles and hugs me again. "Ok ladies, ya'll enjoy yourselves, me and Will are going to Auston's place." Mitch waves us goodbye and Willy blows me a kiss.

They leave and Steph gets out some drinks. "What are we feeling?" She says and scans the fridge. "I'll have at some beer." I yell. "Ya know what me to." Lucy says. "Don't know about you guys but I'm feeling tequila!!" Ash dances and helps Steph with the drinks. I laugh, "Oooo we're gonna get drunk tonight!" They laugh too and we sip our drinks and spill the tea...

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