Chapter 6

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I'm left in shock and some confusion. He does think I'm into Chase. Well maybe not like that but he diffidently thinks I like hearing from him or something. I grumble and turn to Steph and Mitch. "He's wrong...right?" I mumble, knowing what he did say is half true. I don't exactly have the guts to tell Chase off after he's been nothing but nice to me...but I also don't have feelings for him like that. Duh, I like Will. 

Steph hugs me and sits next to me on the couch, "Everything will be okay after we do this." She whispers. I smirk, "You mean I do this." She sighs, "Will is just...not in the right head space for this right now. He loves you and you know that. He's protecting you." I nod, "Thanks Steph." She shows a saddened smile and hugs me again. 

Steph, Mitch and I finish planning 'Chase's defeat' and have a date set after the maple leafs next game...which is tomorrow. "Alright I think we did good." Mitch says. I smile, "I think so to." He gets up but pauses, "I'll talk with Will before the game...want me to tell him about all this." He gestures to our papers scattered everywhere. I shrug, "Do you think he'd wanna know?" Mitch sighs and repeats himself, "I'll talk to him tomorrow."

For the rest of the day I try and convince myself that everything will be fine. As soon as Chase stops texting me, I can stop thinking about him. Well I don't think about him that much. 'Your thinking about him right now.' I mentally yell at myself. I roll my eyes just as the door creaks opened. "Willyyy hey bro." Mitch cheers. Will nods to him and gives one of his signature smiles but I can tell he's hurt. I need to talk to him. 

I get up from my seat and press body against his. He doesn't back away which is a good start. He lowers his head to mine and I whisper, "Can we please talk?" He takes my hand in his and hollers to the gang, "We'll be back." As we exit I shoot them a thumbs up, careful not to let Will see cause that would be awkward. "Where are we-" I start but he takes me outside the building to the back. 

"Why are we here?" I say. "There's no one else around Say." I nod and we stare at each other awkwardly. "Ok Will listen...there's nothing going on between me and this Chase guy. I haven't responded to any of his texts. You even saw." He continues staring at me blankly. "Why won't you believe me babe?" I sigh, feeling tears threaten to fall down my cheeks. 

He clears his throat, "I do...let's just see how he responds when you um go on a date with him." I roll my eyes, "It's not a date Will." "I know." He mumbles but I hear him perfectly. "Let's go back's  uh cold." I stutter. I can't take the awkwardness anymore and start walking back inside. "Sage wait..I-I." He stammers. "You what?" I ask, hopeful. He shakes his head and walks past me. What was that about?

I wait until he's out of sight and decide to walk down the street to Starbucks. I deserve a little something after all this unnecessary stress. I order and pay for my drink and as I walk out I bump into the one and only Chase. "Hey Sage is that you?" He smiles. I return the smile and nod, "Yeah. How are you?" "I'm doing alright. Did you um get my texts at all?" I adjust my jacket nervously and shake my head, "No I didn't know you had my number." He suddenly gets nervous himself and starts laughing. 

'This is the perfect chance to ask him to breakfast!' I think to myself. I break his awful nervous laugh, "Hey do you um wanna go to breakfast with me sometime?" He smiles, "Sure...I can't do tomorrow but I can the day after that." I nod, "Perfect."

I end the conversation short and head back to the condo feeling accomplished. I open the door and everyone is just how I left them. "Guys I ran into Chase and we're doing the breakfast thing." I say with no emotion. Steph smiles, "Good. The sooner he's off your back the better." Mitch agrees and I turn to Will. He quickly looks down so I sit away from him. 

The rest of the day goes by slowly and before I know it it's time to go to bed. "Goodnight Say. We'll talk in the morning." Steph says. "Yeah good night." Mitch also says and they both go to their room together. "Goodnight." I whisper after them and go to my room. William is already laying down with his shirt off. I guess he changes earlier. I didn't notice.

I hesitate to take my clothes off but quickly slip into a bralette and pj shorts. I crawl under the sheets without saying anything. Finally after seconds of silents..."Good night." Will whispers. I shift under the blanket, "Good night Will." 

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