Chapter 2

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You look at him, tears welling up again in your eyes. You always thought you and Yoongi would make it, that you both were all that each of you ever wanted, that you both were enough for each other. What was happening right now was something that you had never expected to happen. It was so surreal that you almost had to pinch yourself to check if this was really happening or if it was just a nightmare that was about to end.

He opens his mouth to say something but stops and looks behind you, "Mommy?" a shrill voice comes from behind you. You quickly wipe your tears and turn around faking a smile "good morning, sweetheart" You smile at your 3-year-old daughter Yeona as she skips towards you to give you a morning hug. You pick her up in your arms and say "are you hungry baby?" and she nods rubbing her eyes "come on, let's have some pancakes" You reply. She smiles at the name of her favourite breakfast as you turn around to look at Yoongi.

He has a look of sadness on his face but there is no sign of guilt there. You sigh sadly as you look away before tears could make their way back and go inside the kitchen with Yeona. You sit her down on top of the counter and switch on the stove to make a fresh batch for her, as you are pouring the batter into the pan you can feel Yoongi entering the kitchen. You don't turn around but from what you can make out from your side eyes, he's standing in front of your daughter playing with her, making her giggle slightly. If it wasn't under these circumstances, this would've been a perfect moment.

You don't think Yoongi realises how much this infidelity of his is going to affect your daughter's mental health and her future. He says he shouldn't feel sorry about this when he's being nothing but selfish right now, he's ruining Yeona's idea of a perfect marriage and you hope that he can keep up the balance between his love affair and being a good dad. At this moment, you make up your mind that you're gonna try your best to not let all this get to your daughter, it's the least you can do for her right now.

You flip the pancake in the pan and you realise that Yoongi has moved from his position in front of Yeona and now is standing right next to you when he whispers "We need to talk Y/N" You turn your head to notice that he's extremely close to your face. You look him right in the eye and say "Do we? I don't think there's anything left to say", hurt and pain must be evident in your eyes because a look of guilt flashes on his face for a second but he quickly recovers. He rubs his hand on his face out of frustration and says "Y/N do we really need to make this more difficult than it already is?" You scowl at him "Yoongi I'm not doing this in front of our daughter, she's too young to see her parents argue and speaking of which, I would very much like it if we can keep her away from this drama of yours as much as possible" You say, again on the verge of tears.

He says "I agree with you, I don't want this to affect our child in any way, but I really need to talk to you and get this over with please" and a tear falls from your eye as you sniffle lightly. You reply "Drop Yeona at Jimin's house for the day if you could, and then say what you want because I, for one, have nothing to say to you" Your voice breaks towards the end of your sentence. He sighs and turns around walking out of the kitchen.

You turn around and sit in front of your daughter, on a barstool and you both eat your breakfast together, you look at her, she's so happy and excited to eat her favourite chocolate chip pancakes, so oblivious to what is going on around her and you wish you could be as carefree as her. You wish that you didn't have to go through this pain and betrayal that you've received from that one person you thought would never have as much as even a single thought of hurting you. Even though you have to put up this act of being happy for your daughter, this is killing you slowly. You can't stop questioning yourself, where did it go wrong? why did he have to do this to you when you gave him nothing but unconditional love and support all your life? You love him so much it hurts. You hate that you love him so much. You absolutely despise it.

Your thoughts are interrupted when Yeona says "Mommy, shower please" and you smile at her through your tears. She looks at you and says "Why are you crying, Mommy?", you look away and quickly wipe your tears as you reply "It's nothing baby, come on let's get you cleaned up and then dad will take you to Uncle Jimin's house. How does that sound?". She jumps up and down in excitement and runs upstairs. You follow her up to give her a bath and dress her up.

Once done, you leave her in her room and walk to your and Yoongi's. You enter to see that he is sitting on the bed, staring at nothing in particular. He looks as if he's deep in thought, but you can't tell what he's thinking about for the fact that his face is expressionless. You walk over to his side of the bed and stand in front of him, waving your hand in front of his face instantly bringing him out of his trance. He blinks and looks at you, but stays silent like he's waiting for you to say something, "Yeona is ready, you can take her now" you say with the coldest possible look on your face when inside you want nothing more than to cry your eyes out, take him in your arms and make him forget all about that other woman.

You turn around and leave, walking back to Yeona's room. You peek in to see her putting her favourite Princess Jasmine doll in her bag which makes you smile, she is the only one who's keeping you sane right now. "Baby, it's time to go," You say, she looks up and smiles widely, running towards you excitedly. You walk downstairs with her to find out that Yoongi is all ready and waiting for you to bring her. He looks up and smiles at her, you can tell that his smile is fake when it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Bye, Mommy!" Yeona says and you reply with a "Bye my love, see you tonight" and a quick peck on her forehead. They leave and you close the door, leaning against it.

Dreading the confrontation that is to come.


Author's Note

Hello guys, How did you like Chapter two??

This was just a filler chapter, just to give you guys an insight into how Y/N's on the verge of an emotional and a mental breakdown but she's putting on a happy face for her daughter. The next chapter is gonna be a good one.

I'm gonna keep updating regularly cause I got nothing better to do while quarantining haha.

Please like and comment on your opinions so that I can work on them better!

Thank you, stay safe and loads of love<3


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