Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


"Want some of this?" Yoongi held up the dried chicken he had actually gotten on the internet for Jungkook. Luckily there were some online stores that sold wolf food-ish things that didn't question why a guy with a e-mail called still hadn't bothered changing his e-mail address after his so called 'emo' phase- would order wolf treats.

Jungkook barked enthusiastically before climbing onto the bed next to him, his tail wagging in anticipation. Yoongi drew giving him the treat out for a couple more seconds and then, very slowly, testing Jungkook's patience, held it out for Jungkook. To his surprise Jungkook actually waited until the treat was in front of him before slowly taking it from Yoongi's hand, careful, not to catch Yoongi's hand with his teeth.

Maybe wolves were different from dogs in that aspect, but from what Yoongi knew, with a dog it was a sign of submission or at least acceptance of the authority of the owner, which certainly was a good sign with Jungkook. After all he didn't exactly want to have a wolf at home that thought it could just do whatever it wanted and get away with it. Not that Jungkook had given any indications of thinking like that.

"Good boy." Yoongi praised, patting Jungkook's head as the wolf chewed on his snack. When he was done, he licked his whole mouth, probably taking in any remainders of the treat's taste before rubbing his head against Yoongi's chest.

"Want some more?" Jungkook's head shot up and he barked loudly, his tail swinging back and forth.

"Shhhh my parents might hear you and come here." Yoongi warned, getting up and grabbing another snack from the table. Jungkook patiently waited on the bed, not moving from his spot. The only thing indicating his excitement was his continuously wagging tail.

"There you go." Yoongi chucked the treat at Jungkook, who easily caught it, biting down on the meat. He had a pretty good idea of how hard these treats were, but between Jungkook's teeth they seemed more like they just dissolved into dust. There was something so dangerous about Jungkook, but somehow it only drew Yoongi in. Even though he was a person who preferred a peaceful life over a hectic one, the idea of Jungkook being dangerous just had something appealing to it.

Or rather, the fact that Jungkook didn't seem to pose any threat to him and him alone. Maybe he was just going crazy, though. He wouldn't be all too surprised if that was the case either.

A couple of days later Yoongi had a deja vu. A really intense one. He woke up in the middle of the night because he had to go to the bathroom, but Jungkook was gone. Instead there was a boy sleeping on top of him. Although last time it had been a bit of a open question whether he was a boy or a man. This time it most certainly was a man. He was more muscular, broader, overall just rougher around the edges.

Once again, Yoongi kicked him out of the bed. Yeah, he wasn't having this a second time. The same dream twice. His mind really had to hate him. Or it wasn't a dream and the things he remembered from last time were true and that guy was Jungkook, which he still found hard to believe. But for now, no matter what the situation was, the naked guy had no right to lie in his bed.

Instead of waiting for things to happen like last time, he quickly climbed out of bed, walking towards the wardrobe and grabbing clothes from it once again. This really felt oddly familiar.

'Jungkook' took his time to fully wake up, tiredly blinking a couple of times, just snapping out of it when he had to catch the t-shirt Yoongi threw at him, quickly followed by boxers. This time Yoongi didn't spend too much time asking questions. He knew exactly how this was going to go, so he just wanted to skip the 'Who the hell are you?' part and get to the 'what the hell are you?' part. Maybe he was this relaxed because he was still half asleep and he'd probably just realize everything later, but that was future him's problem. "Get dressed. We have to talk."

There were a few moments of the guy staring at him in silence before he nodded slowly. "Okay."



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