Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Here." Yoongi said, throwing a piece of ham on the floor. The small animal happily waddled over and started chewing on it. Yoongi watched before taking a bite of his watermelon. "Aren't you hot with all that fur? That can't be comfortable."

The puppy sneezed before finishing its treat. With a swift movement he jumped onto Yoongi's lap and rolled up there, hiding its snout in Yoongi's t-shirt. Yoongi almost felt bad. He'd have to go back to Seoul tomorrow.

It was surprising how much the puppy had grown onto him.

When he wanted to go back into his room the puppy almost acted like he knew that something wasn't right. He outright refused to let go of the leg of Yoongi's sweatpants, biting down on it hard.

Not wanting to put up much of fight Yoongi reached down and lifted the pup by its stomach. "You wanna sleep over tonight?"

The pup yipped, poking Yoongi's hand with its nose. Yoongi chuckled, patting its head. The whole evening the small being followed right after him, making him almost trip over him. When he brushed his teeth Yoongi could feel him speeding around his feet. When he was slipping into his pjs he felt small eyes on him and when he finally slipped into bed, the pup instantly jumped after him, making it hard for him to get into in a comfortable position since he rolled up on Yoongi's chest right away.

Yoongi had never really been the fondest of animals, but maybe this wasn't to bad.

"Good night."

"Make sure you eat well, alright darling?" His mother asked, running her hands through his hair before placing a kiss on his forehead. "And take care of yourself. Don't you dare overwork yourself. I'm watching you even if I'm not here."

Yoongi nodded, glancing to the side from where the puppy was watching him with big knowing eyes from the bushes. He still didn't even make himself noticeable once anyone but Yoongi was around. Yoongi felt bad. He hadn't gotten a chance to say goodbye.

"Wait a second, mum. I forgot something in my room." He quickly came up with an excuse. He left his backpack and suitcase behind before jogging towards the shed at the back of the house. He knew the puppy would follow him.

As soon as they were out of his mother's field of vision the small bundle of fur shot towards him and jumped his leg, trying to get higher up. Probably to cover Yoongi's face in kisses. Smiling a bit sadly Yoongi lifted him up and hugged him closer to his body.

"I have to go now, but we'll see each other again, right? You'll come back here right?" Yoongi said softly as the small thing jumped in his arms, trying to lick his face but only reaching his chin.

He smiled, placing a peck on the animal's snout only to receive generous lick over his lips and half of his face for that matter. "Be nice to people. You're not as mean as you act." Yoongi lectured the puppy that didn't seem to care and simply used its chance to get another wet lick on Yoongi's this time open mouth.

Yoongi scrunched up his face. "You're disgusting."

The puppy almost looked like it was grinning cheekily by the way it let its tongue hang out of his mouth. "See you soon."

Sadly, soon wasn't quite the right word. Since his parents were planning on going on vacation this winter Yoongi wasn't back in his hometown until the next summer. And when he finally did come back the small puppy was nowhere to be seen. Which wasn't surprising. It made sense that he wouldn't be coming back once he realized Yoongi wasn't there anymore.

Or some other wild animal had attacked him. Or a car might have run him over. So many possibilities. Reality was he was back to being alone in the huge garden. Eating watermelons on his own and taking cold showers without a small pup to keep him company and roll around in the mud.

He was really beginning to miss the small pitfall.

"Yoongi darling! Could you walk over to Mr. Lee and ask him for some eggs and fresh rice." His mother yelled from the house, waving at him.

"I will!" He yelled back, grabbing his shoes, but not before wiping his feet off to make sure there wasn't any dirt sticking to them.

Afterwards he made his way over the field towards the woods. He could have walked over the streets, but he knew a shortcut and those were the woods he grew up in. No way in hell he would get lost.

Luckily he wasn't wearing any black, which meant at least he wouldn't end up having a heat stroke. He'd learnt from his past mistakes. His eyes wandered over the dark forest. Everything looked comfortably familiar. Familiar trees, familiar stumps and small trails.

Every year he spent at his college he realized how much he missed this place. His childhood town. But in Seoul he was more likely to have the career he was hoping for. Even if he had to give this up in exchange. It was a fair trade. A painful one, but at least he was able to come here at least twice a year with his parents still living here.

He climbed over a couple of stray roots before coming to an abrupt halt. Right there in front of him on the small trail stood a huge gray wolf.


Wow ya'll really love this concept💜

Yeah me too~

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