Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"Baby, I missed you." His mum sang happily, wrapping her arms around him. "You look thin. Have you lost weight? You'll get an extra huge portion for dinner okay?" He nodded, smiling.

"Can I grab something from the shed before? I forgot one of my favorite books there this summer and I've been looking forward to reading it ever since then." He lied, wanting to get to the woods as quickly as he could.

"Of course darling. Why didn't you tell me? I could have sent it to you?" His mum asked while pushing his bangs out of his face, just for them to fall back into his eyes. "Wait, I'll get you something warm to put on." She said, quickly disappearing into the house and grabbing a scarf and a thick jacket before Yoongi could decline.

With a sigh he let her wrap him up. When she asked whether he'd want gloves too Yoongi had never been quicker to say no. "I'm fine now. It's nice warm and cozy in here, I promise." He pointed at the jacket. His mother pressed her lips into a thin line, mustering him like she wasn't sure whether it was actually enough, but let it pass.

"Make sure you're not out in the cold for too long." She quickly said before finally letting Yoongi leave. The boy sighed but smiled nevertheless. It was always good to be home.

The hundred meter walk to the shed and the woods took him what felt like forever. The last time he'd been here Jungkook had been jumping around in the green grass and wagging his tail. God, if something had happened to Jungkook... Yoongi really didn't want to even think about it.

The wolf had really taken up a spot in his heart. Yoongi pushed his hands deeper into his pockets, stomping through the high snow. He was kind of glad his mother had forced him to wear warmer clothes. His breath was fogging in front of his face and he could feel his nose slowly lose its warmth.

He took the last couple of steps until he stood right where his family's property went over into forest. He took a deep breath. Then he yelled Jungkook's name at the top of his lungs.

Silence. Yoongi bit his lip. It was highly unlikely for Jungkook to actually be close enough to hear him. Nevertheless, he tried again, calling Jungkook's name as loudly as he could. God, he really hoped that pup was okay.

After that he just stood there waiting. Maybe Jungkook had heard his call and was on his way here. He lifted his hands up to his face and breathed into them to keep both them and his face warm. He was just about to give up, a good five minutes had passed, when he heard rustling in the bushes not far from him.

Relieve flooded him when a gray wolf stepped out into the open field.

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