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It's been two weeks. Jisoo got finally came out from the hospital and now she is working again as a maid. But, she changed so much. I think she is still upset that Irene didn't go to jail after what happened. She even got so mad that the event manager offered her a million to bury the bad memory of hers in that event. She even rejected all the offers of a magazine cover and she told them the truth. That, she is my maid.

And now, she is ignoring and barely notice all my efforts for her. She said she wanted to be alone. And I even heard her tell the other maids that she can't wait to get all of her salary and get out of here. I wanted to scream at her by that moment. I want to say sorry for not fighting for her, but what can I do? Nothing makes sense for this puzzle of hers and Irene's.

But, I remember myself saying that I will support her no matter what, because I love her. Simple as that.

And no matter what I do. I can't change it. If she wants to live her own dream, then so be it.

Jisoo and I didn't talk anymore. She will just asked me if I want something. But I will answer her "nothing" because I can sense the awkwardness between us. She even told my Mom that she will leave soon.

"Do you want her to leave?" My Mom asked me.

I am here at at my own room. She visited me here and combed my hair, it's like the good old days. My Mom is so nice to me even though I'm not her real daughter. She always supports me and understands me. And I am so grateful for her.

"What can I do? She wanted to." I faked my laugh.

"I am asking you nicely Jennie."

I sighed before answering her, "Of course not. I wanted her to stay. But she won't right?" I shook my head.

"Then we will let her go," My Mom smiled. "You know what? I am so thankful for Jisoo. Why? It's because she is so dedicated to her work. And imagine, she didn't gave up so easily. And I can see that you have a progress my dear. Look at you now, you're smiling again. You played with the maids just like when you were a kid. And I think that's because of Jisoo.."

I turned around and faced my Mom. She looks into my eyes and I did the same. I think she is reading me. I gulped before I could say something. "Mom... Jisoo is not just a maid for me."

It took her a long time before moving her lips. "R-Really?" she asked.

"Jisoo came into my life because, she is the one who could make me change and see the bright side of my story. She makes me laugh. She makes my mind so crazy. I think of her all the time. My heart beats fast when I see her. And I don't think, I just have a simple crush on her. She is something Mom. I knew it."

My Mom smiled. She cupped my face using her both hands and moved her head closely to mine. "You're in love my dear." It's just feel so relaxing to hear those words.

"Yes I am." And I finally admitted it.

Ever since Irene left me, all I just have is myself. I helped myself to get through all these sufferings. By kissing random girls, spending all my money, and doing the random things I could. And everything changed when Jisoo appeared in my life.

She moved away. "And now what will you do if you're in love with her?"

"I would love to make her stay."

"To be your maid?"

"I will fire her and I will marry her!" I exclaimed

My mom shook her head and chuckled, "And then?"

"Then that's the time that she can build her restaurant. I will help her. I'll support her no matter what."

"By making those decisions and plan of yours, do you think Jisoo would love that?"

"If she feels the same, then why not?" I asked

"And if she don't?"

"Then.. I have no choice but to accept it."

"Wrong." My mom said. I raised my eyebrow. "Would you not pursue her anymore? Just because she rejected you once?"

"If she says no, then it's a no. I can't change her sexuality towards her same sex if she doesn't feel the same way." I said and lowered my tone.

"Did she told you that?"

"Told what?"

"That she's not into girls?"

"N-No she didn't."

"Does her actions told you so?"

I stared at my Mom. As I stared at her, I remember all the crazy things we do when we get drunk. If she is not into girls, she wouldn't do thatz

"I..I don't think so." I bit my lip.

"Then why give up? If you find a reason to fight, then fight for it. Don't be such a weak girl. I didn't raised you like that." She said. I laughed and hugged her. "Dear, if you truly love someone, you will do anything for her right?" I nodded. "And when you love someone, you won't just give up right?" I nodded again. "And when you love someone, you only wish for her is her happiness, right?" I nodded once more. "Then from this day on, you will make a good decision. I can smell that."


"Really?" I asked the guy from the other line.

"Yup. Just for five days." Suga answered me.

"You said I'm not the only one right?" I asked.

"Oh right... Irene volunteered herself when she heard you were on this project. Sorry Jen,"

I sighed from what he said. "Yeah, cool. It's fine."

"Then it's settled then. I will just email you the additional information. Good luck!" then he hangs up.

We were talking about my cameo from the famous kdrama. I will be there for two episodes but I am just an extra. And now I hated it because Irene's going with me.

I turned around when my door opened. It was Jisoo. She is wearing her maid dress while her hair is tied like a bun. She placed down the tray full of foods. I didn't ate my breakfast and lunch because I will just her face. And her face makes me shy.

"Anything you want Miss Jen?" She formally asked.

"Pack your things you're coming with me."

"W-Where?" She asked

"You will see." I winked. She just sighed and asked again

"Anything else?"

"Oh right," I paused for awhile and looked at her. She is waiting for me to say something.

"I wanted to apologize from—"

"No need Miss Jen. Anything else?" she smiled. I shook my head with a smile. She nodded then went off from my room. I don't know what to react about her behavior. She really looks so pissed when I am trying to apologize for my mistakes.

She always ignores me even though I insist to talk to her. I can't scold her and I won't. I just wanted to talk but she won't let me. I didn't know what to do and what did I do for her to treat me like this.

So since Jisoo agreed on coming with me on my shooting. I will grabbed that chance to have a quality bonding time with her before she leaves me.

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