Chapter Three: Rose

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When I awake again I find Apollo sleeping in a chair beside the bed. I notice how peaceful he looks defiantly not how he looks when he is awake and worrying if I will live. The door slowly opens, and a head peeks into the room.

"Good he is a sleep. He needs his rest. You feeling better, Rose?" Hades walks into the room.

"I feel a little better." I manage to get out. The next thing I know Zeus, and Poseidon come in.

"We came to give you a choice." Zeus's voice rang through the room.

"What are you guys doing here?" Apollo asked. From the looks of their faces I think Apollo knew why they were here. "Never mind." He mumbled.

"Rose you can both stay mortal and die or you can become one of us." Poseidon told me. "Which is it going to be?"

"How long do you think I have?" I ask my voice is shaky.

"Three days at the most." Hades answered. I see Apollo stiffen. "Maybe even four." He turns to Apollo, "She has to choose, not you choosing for her."

"I - I think It would be best for me to join you." I just get out before I start coughing. When I pull back my hands I notice there is something black on my hands. I quickly grab a Kleenex and clean my hands before Apollo can see the black goo.

"Ok, Apollo come with me." Zeus spoke with authority. "Poseidon you too. Hades will you join us?"

"Yes, you go I will be there in just a moment." Hades looked at me. After they left the room Hades spoke. "You have been poisoned by Kronos, yet you don't tell Apollo how bad it's gotten. Why?"

"I don't want him to worry." I looked at the bed sheets.

"I don't understand he could help you. More so than the rest of us." When I looked up at Hades he hands me a bottle.

"What is this?" I ask.

"It will help heal you till we are able to give you immortality. Good luck, Rose." Hades left the room, and I realized if I did become a goddess I couldn't see Jace again, my best friend, and my twin. You can't get better if you dwell on things. Now you should probably do as Hades says. I looked on the label on the bottle so I knew how much to drink. When I poured it in to a glass something didn't sit right with me. A poured the liquid back into the bottle then put it on the nightstand.

Then the bottle started to shake. The bottle fell off the edge, and then exploded.

"Great can't a girl get a few days off of craziness." I called Aphrodite.

"Yes....." From the look on her face I knew that this was just one more thing Kronos had planned all along. "You didn't drink that did you?" I shook my head 'no'. "Oh thank heavens. I am so glad you didn't you could have died." She relaxed just a little bit. "Apollo, Zeus, get over here right now." Suddenly they appeared. "She didn't drink it."

"Rose!" Apollo rushed over to me. "Thank god you are all right." I could hear Zeus, and Aphrodite talking, but it was nothing more than whispers.

"Apollo, have her moved somewhere safe, let no one know where you are talking her." Zeus commanded. He nodded then scoped me up.

"Close your eyes." He whispered.


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