"Let's have a bottle of soju tonight?" Hoseok asked while helping me put the plates on the racks. "It's your birthday yesterday and your fifth day of being a stupid friend of Mr. Park. I think it's calling for a celebration?"

I sometimes love Hoseok being blunt. At least I have someone who is not fake to me. Someone who will tell me what's happening in the real world rather than what I am expecting the world to be.

"Okay. But I need to meet Jungkook first so I can give to him his dinner."

"Then let's buy Jungkook his dinner." Hoseok then leaned closer to me. "Stop getting food from the kitchen. Stop thinking that Mr. Park is okay with that."

"What do you mean?"

Hoseok looked at the door first to make sure no one is coming. "Jin, Mr. Park is a two-faced bitch. He's nice when he needs something. When you did something that doesn't favor his delusional love interest, he will turn into his inner unreasonable bitchy self. So better be careful in whatever you do because I'm pretty sure he's taking notes."

I don't know if I will believe that. Jimin has been a friend. He helped me get a job, he promised to buy me a bike, he gave me an extra job so I can earn more, I guess he's not really a bitch after all. I know Hoseok doesn't like him because Jimin can be bossy and insensitive at times. But he's the boss anyway, so he has the right to scold us. Though there are times when he's getting angry over small things, I guess it's only because he's a perfectionist.


I hold on tightly to the paper bag in my hand. I never thought that pressing a doorbell can be this stressful. If not because of the extra income and Jimin being my friend, I will back out in this extra job. Mr. Kim being a scumbag is not worth my tears and my time.

"Hello!" I jumped when the door swings open. I'm glad that Sam is the one who opened the door for me.

"Hi. You startled me." I said while holding on to my chest.

Sam chuckled. "I'm waiting for you."

"Waiting for me? Why? Did I say or do something wrong?"

Sam just laughed at my worried expression. "Please don't worry. You're not doing anything."

I let out a sigh. At least, I know I'm not in trouble. "Oh! Wait. I will also give you something."

I handed the paper bag to Sam before pulling out the container. "Cake. Someone gave me yesterday. I want to give you a slice. It's delicious."

Sam looked at me and smiled. "You're so precious. Wait for me, I'll get something. Or you come in and--"

"No no. I will wait here. I'm fine here." Stepping inside the mansion is my least favorite thing to do. Instead, I wait for Sam just in the garden area, wishing he will be fast. I already saw Mr. Kim's car in the parking area, I'm sure he's inside waiting to unleash his monster self.

At last, I saw Sam, handing me a bag. "I'm supposed to give this to you yesterday but I was out so I'm sorry it's late."

I don't know why my tears started to fall when I saw the shoes inside the bag. I badly needed one and I guess, my birthday did not end really badly.

"I saw your shoes. When you removed them that day when it was raining hard, I saw that we have the same shoe size. I'm not using that anymore but I only used that thrice. It's still new. I hope you like it."

I suddenly hugged Sam and cried on his shoulders. It feels weird. I know my days aren't going well 90% of the time but help usually comes at the right time. I just realized that life isn't always cruel to me.

"I'm sorry about that," I said as I wiped away my tears. "It's actually my birthday yesterday. I really had a bad day. Then my shoes finally gave up on my way home. My brother just glued it for me. I badly needed a pair that's why I am emotional."

Sam held my hand and smiled at me. "I'm sorry. I know life isn't always fair but you know, there's always a brighter day. Happy birthday, Jin. You will be fine. Okay?"

I nod, forcing to smile. "Thank you. And, can you do me a favor?"

Sam nods. Curious.

"It's really my boss whose sending Mr. Kim these gifts. Mr. Min, his assistant, knows me. It's a bit complicated to explain everything, but please don't tell your boss that it's my birthday yesterday because he will figure everything out. I hope the secret is safe with you."

Sam stared at me for a while. I'm now worried. I know his loyalty to his boss but I'll lose my job if Mr. Kim will figure everything out this early.

"Don't worry, Jin. Your secret is safe with me."

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