"Well why don't Y/N help you?"

Yoongi shoot his gaze at Soohyung words.

"You know how Y/N always help you when you stuck. Maybe she could help you know"

Yoongi could see a hint of surprise before Y/N back to her present self again.

"Anything I can help you with oppa?" Y/N asked Yoongi, she trying really hard to sound mature and professional.

She was about to continue her words before Yoongi move back his chair as he stand up.

"No I'm fine"

and with that Yoongi walk past them. Both of the girls turned their head at him. Y/N hang her head down as she just stare at the boy sadly.


It's the day of BTS comeback and the first day of their music show recording. Their new song DNA receive a positive response from people all over the world and the boys are happy about that.

Y/N doesn't have a schedule so she decided to visit them. She prepared lunch boxes for the boys and the staff, and also a bucket of flower.

She bit her lips.

These past month she know that she's been trying so hard to look mature, to act mature and it's hard. She actually don't wear that much makeup so she feels that it doesn't really make her look mature. She grew her hair to a long length and she wear casual clothes now, no not dresses. But when she saw herself in the mirror, she still doesn't look mature. So she start to try to act like one.

She start to search online on how to be an adult, how to act mature and stuff.

Have a firm eye contact with the person you speaking to.

Smile and laugh at every jokes.

Sit up straight, don't slouch.

Nod when they are talking.

Don't touch your face.

Don't cross your arms and legs.

Lean, but not too much.

Keep your head up.

A sigh escape her lips. All of that seems like completely the opposite of her.

Since she is shy, she rarely look at the person's eye when they're talking.

She always smile and laugh at every jokes, but she does it too much. She open her mouth too big to laugh and she goes all out.

She always like to lean against the chair or sofa, she doesn't like sit up straight.

She pout and do her aegyo when  someone bullies her.

But she have to try right? Eventually maybe she will become mature if she try.

But now she's tired. She's tired of playing to be mature. She's tired for not being her. She miss the boys, she miss bickering with Jungkook, she miss doing weird and crazy stuff with Taehyung, she miss talking to Jimin, she miss listening to Namjoon stories, she miss doing sound effect with Hoseok, she miss hugging her brother. She miss going to Genius Lab.

She realized that she become quite distant with them and they seems kinda awkward with her. Is it because of her new style or because of her behaviour? She shrug.

She then remember her last encounter with Yoongi. He ignored her. Usually his eyes would lit up at the sight of her, but now she saw nothing in his eyes. The way he act to her is the same as how he act around girls in particular.

So that means that Yoongi saw her as a girl, right?

Doesn't that mean that she's success?

It's all what she wanted right?

She wanted Yoongi to look at her as a girl.

And now when he did, she should be happy right?

But why she felt sad?

She took both of her hand in her head, as her head resting on it.

She realized that she doesn't want that.

She doesn't want Yoongi to look at her as a girl.

She wanted him to look at her as Y/N.

What a greedy bitch she is.

She wanted him to look at her as a girl and now when he does, she wanted him to go back to normal?

Maybe she's not meant to be with him after all.

Maybe it is her destiny to be in his life as his own little sister.

Yeah, maybe that.

Maybe it is better.

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