Chapter 4: The Angel

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And I'm pretty sure I have no specific plans on walking early to class just so I can die from embarrassment...

I kept on walking while thinking of what to say to them...

I stopped walking when I heard a scream?

To my curiosity, I went to where the scream was. I saw people crowding the area too. Probably curious too...

I saw reporters showing up in the area
and saw no sign of heroes.

Some people were starting to panic when the giant slime kept growing.

It looked like the slime where Kacchan got trap on. But it was Blue and bigger.

The ground suddenly started to CRACK?!


I knew there will be no sign of Almight because he retired. But I hoped that at least one hero came to save the poor boy.

The boy had blond hair...

It reminded me of the time when Kacchan got stuck...

Without thinking I used ONE FOR ALL!

But I didn't felt any pain or weight...

While I activated One For All it felt light?

" I- let's help the little boy for now "

People started to scream...
Reporters started to film everything...

But yet.....

No sign of heroes?


I heard a woman yelling desperately from the crowd.

The kid was slowly getting eat up by the monster.

I knew I would get in trouble but...

Saving a person's life is more important than being scold at.

I used 50% of One For All

Kinda surprised that I didn't even have a broken bone.

I sprinted my way to the villain and use it


I was punching and doing new tricks that I have learned. I kept on going until the villain finally release the poor child.

And then for some reason, the monster just faded away like ashes...

I had a hoody to hide but my identity. But the hoody fell when I tried to attack.

Leaving my identity in public.

The child then runs to his mother hugging her tightly while his tears fell down his cheeks.

I then saw the heroes finally arrive...

They were surprised by the situation.

I turn around to see the crowd cheering?

While the reporters were trying to find out who the new hero was they notice that I had a U.A uniform that made them even more excited.

The mother was carrying her son while walking up to me.

"Thank you so much young lady for all your help," The lady said to me with a smile while trying her best to keep her tears from flowing to her face.

"Just doing a hero's job ma'am"

"Mommy I wanna be a hero too when I grow up," said the little boy.

I saw sparks in his eyes.

"One day little one... one day"

I left the area to avoid the heroes scolding me. And because I was about to be late...

Before leaving the crowd I heard people saying...

"Woah who is she? A new hero?"

"She has a U.A Uniform!"

"I didn't even know an angel like her goes to U.A!"

"She looks like a goddess"

"Wait why didn't we saw her at the festival?"

I heard many questions.

But I was more worried about being late since I been absent for a week and one day already.... so I missed a lot of school work and training.

( And then I just vanish...)

New me?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat