chapter 12

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Kim's Pov

After our dinner, i drove her home.

Pie: thank you kim , i enjoyed the food

Kim: only the food? How about me?

Pie: i enjoyed you..😂

Kim: 😲

Pie: just kidding! 😂 I enjoyed being with you kim..i always do.

Kim: ☺️☺️☺️

Pie: and now youre blushing

Kim; its nice to know that youre happy when you're with me.

Pie: you're funny, and

Kim: and?

Pie: and senseful ..hehe

Kim: ah..😌

Pie: ill go ahead .. 😊

Kim: ok... Goodnight

Pie: ok

Kim; ok

Pie: bye

Kim: bye

Pie: goodnight

Kim: goodnight again

Pie: ☺️☺️☺️☺️

Kim: ill go now

Pie: take care kim

Kim: you too

Pie: kim!

Kim: yes?

Pie; you want to go inside?

Kim: really? ( Wide smile)

My mind...what am i thinking..

Pie: ( nod)

She let me sat down on the sofa while she prepared a coffee for me

Pie: you can add sugar if you want

Kim; actually i dont drink coffee at night

Pie: oh..sorry..ill just take it..

Kim:but its fine.. i love doing first time's with you

Pie: 😳

Kim; no..thats not what i mean..
I mean first time have coffee at night

Pie: oh

Kim: your..your house is nice..very refreshing in the eyes..

Pie: i love mint green so thats why i painted the walls with it.

Kim: you?

Pie: yes .i did paint all the walls and even the ceiling..hehe

Kim: wow! Youre incredible..

Pie: ofcourse..and besides i have no one to do all this stuff ... And its not that hard

Kim: would you mind if i ask you..what happened to his dad?

Pie: that man, is a complete asshole.
Not a man at all.

Kim; ( i let her talk)

Pie: he was my long time boyfriend. But not my first love .  He wasnt that good looking but he is such a responsible guy..i thought .. but no matter how long you have been with that person.. you will never know his inner self if you wont get into a deep trouble..
When i told him i was pregnant. He even doubted me. He told me , he wont accept lucas as his own if there will be no DNA test.. i cant afford that kind of test and i am sure enough this it was his even without that fucking test. But still he didnt listen to me. That time i was about to give birth . He wasnt even at my side. He was with his new girlfriend.

Pie's tears started to flow..
And i cant just look at her..i grab and embraced her .

Pie; im fine kim..sorry to tell you all of this .. actually its nothing to me..i already moved on with my life .and lucas. He was my everything right now.

Kim; that guy..he dont deserve to be considered as a man.. he is a trash..and he doesnt deserve you and lucas..
Dont worry, ill do everything to protect you both.i love you

Those words just came out of my mouth..while listening to pie..i realized how much i needed to be with them.

Pie stared at me.. and put her hands on my face.

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