"Is something wrong? Have you guys been given a poison that makes you laugh to death?" Catherine asked, concerned.

"No, we thought you were going to say something like, 'Missiles heading for our home' or 'Spyder Agents infiltrating our house'," I said.

"Ben, you did call her beautiful," Catherine said.

"What if it wasn't a compliment? What if it was just a fact? Nothing is going on between us!" I said.

"Yeah, Mom!" Erica added.

"Ok, then prove it. Have you guys kissed yet?" Catherine replied smirking.

I turned into a tomato. She turned into a cherry.

"And there's my answer! When's the wedding?" Catherine asked.

Erica said, "Mom!!!" at the same time I said, "Catherine!"

"Just kidding, but for now let's get back to business," Catherine said, her series face on.

"Ben, do you have a plan?" Catherine asked.

"For once, I have a plan. We have to find a way to get into Mr. E's mansion from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM every day. It's when Mr. E is out of the house and the employers are on break." I said.

"Where is Mr. E's mansion?" Erica and Catherine asked in sync.

"Where we found the fake Mr. E. He must have a secret room somewhere, so I made you guys a few things. One is a silencer for the plasma gun. It now will make absolutely no noise, and not wake up a whole flight and get them panicked." I said, handing a silencer to both of us.

"How did you know that?" Erica asked.

"I can't believe I'm actually about to say this, but I'm a spy. It's my job to know things." I said proudly. Erica giggled a little.

"Congratulations. You should take a picture of yourself for your book. For the first time in Forever... Ben Ripley knows something before Erica Hale expected him to know." Erica said.

"The next invention," I said, "is a heat/air detector. It will tell you if there's something concealed behind it, and the password to get into it. There is a very complex eighteen character daisy chip in there that can decode anything in less than a second. Please don't lose it. If you find a hidden room, don't go in. Just come back to here and report where it was. The password won't matter, because it probably changed every day," I said, finishing out of breath.

"What are we waiting for," I asked when I had recovered my breath.

"Tomorrow at around 1:00 PM because there is a 45-minute drive to Mr. E's house," Erica said.

"That's not what I meant, but yes. And the last invention for Catherine. Speak into the speaker the names of the people you wish to give access to your secret. But don't give me access yet," I said, handing the speaker to Catherine.

Catherine took a deep breath, and then said "I, the owner of this house, give access to Catherine Hale and Erica Hale."

"Why not Cyrus?" I asked for rapidly.

"You guys are the only ones I know I can trust for now," Catherine replied.

"Okay, but nothing happened," Erica said, looking around.

"That's a good sign. Now, let's walk toward to wall," I said.

They following me but were giving me weird looks. I put my hand on the wall and leaned against it.

"It's just a wall," Erica said.

"No, it's the world's first solid illusion. If you have access to the house, something different happens."

Erica tried putting her hand on the wall, but they went right through. Her body disappeared into nothingness. My hands stayed on the wall the whole time.

"Catherine, give me access to the house now, if you want," I said, handing Catherine the speaker.

"I, Catherine Hale, give access to Benjamin Ripley," Catherine said, handing back the speaker.

"Now let's go through," I said to Catherine.

We walked through the wall. On the other side was a long rectangular table for meetings, and a 200-inch plasma tv on the back wall. On the walls, there was a variety of weapons, from knives to grabbling hooks to guns.

"Wow! Thanks, Ben!" Catherine said.

"Your welcome," I said, smiling.

"Now, all we have to do it wait," Erica said.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

- Cookie

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