Part 15

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you woke up and grayson was about to leave
yn: hey grayson can you take me to the airport to pick up my best friend after school because my mom won't be home and she doesn't want me to go alone
g: oh yeah sure what time?
yn: around 3
g: sounds good!

so my best friend write this for me she is who sadie is based off and i love her so much!! THANKS BESTIE!!!!! Carolinagirl316

Sadie's POV
Cash and I went through security and boarded the plane to Atlanta. We sat down in our coach seats. The rows had three seats, but no one took the third seat so Cash and I had the row to ourselves. Cash of course got the window seat. We sat down and waited about 5 minutes before the plane took off. We buckled our seatbelts and watched out the window as the plane lifted into the sky.
We hadn't been in the air for two minutes before Cash started bouncing in his seat.
S- Why are you bouncing?
C- Because I'm excited Sadie! I'm going to see my girlfriend in less than two hours!
S- Well I am excited too, but do you think maybe you could stop bouncing on this plane that is in the sky because I don't want to be dead before I see her.
C- Man you sound like Mav. He's scared of falling out of the sky too.
S- Well I can see why if he's been on a plane with you.
C- You really are like Mav. Mean and sassy.
S- Maybe that's why we get along so well. Wait I'm not sassy!
C- Whatever floats your boat Sadie.
Cash continued to bounce in his seat while looking out the window. He also kept chanting.
C- I'm going to see Y/N! I'm going to see Y/N! I'm going to see Y/N!
Just then a flight attendant appeared next to the seat beside me.
FA- Excuse me sir, but I am going to have to ask you to please stop bouncing and being so loud. Other passengers are complaining.
C- Oh I'm sorry ma'am. I'm just really excited because I'm going to see my girlfriend, Y/N, in a few hours.
FA- Well she must love you very much.
S- You have no idea.
The flight attendant walked away and Cash finally stopped bouncing in his seat. I was looking at my phone when Cash nudged my shoulder.
C- Watch this.
Cash stood up and climbed over me to get out of the row.
S- This can't be good.
I turned in my seat to see Cash walk to the front of the plane where the intercom was. The flight attendant was in first class so there was no one to stop him. Cash picked up the intercom and started taking into the speaker.
C- Attention passengers . This is your flight attendant speaking. I just wanted to say that we are now passing over the Grand Canyon. Please look out your window now to catch the extravagant view.
The passengers looked out their windows very confused. The pilot ran out of the cabin and went over to Cash.
P- What are you doing? We aren't near the Grand Canyon!
C- Who's flying the plane?
Cash didn't know that he still had the speaker by his mouth so when he asked the pilot this, the entire plane heard him. The passengers began to panic a bit. The pilot yelled over the crowd.
P- I'm going to fly the plane now. Everything is fine!
The pilot left and the flight attendant came back. She started to storm over to Cash. Cash held up the speaker.
C- Follow me on tik tok!
Cash put the speaker back on the wall and started to run back to his seat. The flight attendant appeared just as he sat down.
FA- I'm going to have to ask you two to move to another part of the plane.
C- We're sorry. Come on Sadie.
Cash and I got up and followed the flight attendant. This is one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. We reached a door and walked in to see fancy chairs, food, and TV screens.
FA- Please take a seat.
C- But this is first class.
FA- We have no other available seats on the plane so this was all we could manage. Now please take a seat and hopefully something in here will keep you occupied for the rest of your flight.
C- Ain't gotta tell me twice.
Cash plopped down on a seat.
S- I'm sorry about him.
FA- Friend of yours?
S- Yeah.
FA- Good luck.
The flight attendant left and I sat down next to Cash.
S- What were you thinking?
C- I don't know.
S- We haven't even been on this plane for 30 minutes and you have already caused a problem.
C- But it got us into first class.
S- True I guess I can't argue with that.
C- See that's the Sadie I know. Not the mother-like one who sounds like Maverick.
S- I can't believe you insulted my friend like that. I'm telling him you said that.
C- No please don't! He won't take me to Subway!
S- Fine, but only if I get to come with you to Subway.
C- Of course! You and Y/N can both come.
S- Yay! And I can't believe you did that out there.
They began to laugh.
C- I know right. It was pretty funny.
S- Yeah it was. Definitely worth it. I had to hold in my laughter until now. I should've known you were going to do something crazy and funny.
C- Well ya know. Laughter is the best medicine. I just make everyone laugh.
S- True true. And I didn't know you knew the word extravagant.
C- Yeah I have my moments.
S- That was the part I didn't expect, especially since you took that IQ test for your YouTube video.
C- Hey I barely tried!
S- Whatever it was hilarious. I'm glad you have a higher IQ than the test said and you're expanding your vocabulary. Y/N would be proud.
C- Yeah she would.
Cash grew quiet and for anyone that knew him, this was not normal.
S- Hey is something wrong?
C- I'm just a little nervous about seeing Y/N.
S- Really? What happened to bouncy Cash?
C- Well now I've started thinking and I'm nervous.
S- Why are you nervous? She's your girlfriend.
C- I know, but we had that fight about Grayson and I made her post that she had a boyfriend. I was jealous and we got upset at each other because she thought I didn't trust her. I just hope things are okay now.
S- I thought y'all worked that out after she posted the picture of y'all which is cute by the way.
This made Cash laugh.
C- Thanks and we did, but we aren't completely back to the way we were. I still feel like she's upset.
S- I don't think she is. She would've told me about it if she was and you would've gotten a phone call from me asking what you did to her.
C- True true.
S- I'm sure everything is fine. It was just a misunderstanding that y'all worked out. There isn't anything to worry about. And this is Y/N we are talking about. She loves her friends and she can't stay mad at them for long. She always finds a way to forgive them. Especially her crazy boyfriend.
C- Yeah you're right. Hey!
S- Hey it's the truth.
C- Maybe crazy in love.
S- Whatever floats your boat Cash.
They laughed.
C- Anyway thanks Sadie. You're the best friend of my girlfriend I could ever have.
S- I think best friend could've worked too.
C- That too.
S- Always have to be extra.
C- Always have to sound like Maverick.
Cash and I watched a movie on Disney Plus for the remainder of the flight. We heard the flight attendant announce that we were landing in Atlanta. Cash jumped up out of his seat with his hands in the air.
C- Whoo! Yes! We are here! I'm going to see Y/N!
S- Sit down and put your seatbelt on. We haven't landed yet.
C- Oh whoops.
Cash sat down and put his seatbelt on.
S- You know since you have traveled a ton on planes you would think you knew not to stand up when the plane is landing.
C- And to think that for how long you haven't been around Maverick you would t sound like him.
S- Point taken. You're just excited.
C- Exactly!
The plane landed and the flight attendant welcomed us to Atlanta. She told us to unbuckle our seatbelts and exit the plane. Cash unbuckled his seatbelt and shot up with his hands in the air.
C- Whoo! Yes! We are here! I'm going to see Y/N!
S- Oh brother.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and followed Cash out of the plane. We were finally in Atlanta. To be honest I was more than excited to see my best friend too, but there was no way I was jumping around on a plane that was flying in the sky. Thank goodness we got here in one peace. Y/N will be proud of us.

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