Part 9

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you got in the car and grayson turned on the music but not too loud this time and he started talking
g: so did you have fun tonight
yn: yeah i am actually really suprised i had so much fun and i idk don't tell anyone but i am starting to like it here i just wish all my friends for oklahoma where here but it's okay i mean i guess i have to get used to this place
g: yeah it's not bad i promise your gonna get used to it soon
yn: i hope so
g: so what are you doing this week?
yn: school and then more school and then probably facetiming my friends from oklahoma and i think i need to figure out some details of my best friend is coming to visit me again
g: that's cool what do you mean again?
yn: she came down when we moved and she suprised me so it was really fun she left yesterday
g: oh that's cool is she going to come to church
yn: probably i'm not sure yet but most likely so you'll be able to meet her and she's gonna want to met everyone here
g: aww i can't wait to met her then

then he pulled up to your driveway and he walked you to the door
yn: thank you for driving me and standing up for me today was really fun
g: yeah i'm glad we got to hangout
yn: me too
then you hugged him goodbye and walked in and your mom was on the couch
m: well you finally are home
yn: yeah
m: did you have fun
yn: actually mom
you sat down beside her and looked at her
yn: i did it was amazing today was crazy but so so amazing thank you mom i'm sorry i was mad about everything i love you
you hugged you mom and she was in shock
m: wow i'm suprised and i'm glad you like it here i love you too
yn: well i need to go take a shower and go to bed goodnight
m: goodnight
you were walking upstairs and you heard your mom yell
m: i saw you with that cute boy
yn: MOM!!! i'm dating cash
you went back downstairs and were looking at your mom
m: i know dear i was reminding you be careful i don't want any of you 3 to be hurt okay and cash is in oklahoma and grayson is here so your gonna have to choose down the road just be careful now and then
yn: thank you mom
then you went upstairs and took a shower and got in bed and checked your phone and saw you had a message for the group chat and everyone was saying who they were and then cash texted you
c: i miss you
c: a lot
c: like a ton
c: i'll stop now
c: goodnight
c: i hope you went to sleep already and aren't ignoring me but if you are i want to tell you i love you
c: i love you either way tho
yn; i love you too cash goodnight and i'll explain tomorrow


hope y'all enjoy love y'all!!!

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