You were angered by the first idea, but the second one wasn't as bad. And you actually had to hide a giggle from the third answer. Being close friends, you would get into occasional wedgie fights with the two. But you shook your head and gained a serious face. "No. We're here to talk about why you're a villain." You explained.

"Because I want to make the world easier to live in! I wanna be like Mr. Stainy! Then I wanna kill Mr. Stainy!" She declared.

You narrowed your eyes at this. "Killing innocent people doesn't make the world an easier place to live in! It makes it harder to live if you murder people all the time. People die and the ones that live are terrified to death of you!" You snapped.

"Well, it's better than what you heroes do! You save everyone, so people think it's safe to do whatever they want without a care in the world and get killed by people like me!" She declared.

You growled. "That's it!" You snapped, rushing over, sitting on the bed beside her and pulling over her lap, pulling her skirt completely off and getting a good look at her dark purple panties with chibi knives all over them, before gripping them and yanking them up to her shoulders in one pull.

"Kyaaaa! Y/N! I didn't know we'd be jumping into the fun stuff so soon!" She squealed happily, although you still could make out some pain in that squeal.

You were shocked at this, blushing hard. "Th-this isn't supposed to be fun! It's a punishment!" You snapped, bringing your hand down hard on her right cheek, then left soon after.



"Eep! Well, then keep punishing me!" She said excitedly.

"Stop enjoying it! Imagine if someone on the street or in the alley, wherever you would kill people, but instead of killing you, they just grab you and start spanking you or giving you a wedgie!? Wouldn't that be scary?!" You demanded, raining down two smacks per cheek.





"Ooooh! That sounds like the kind of world I want to live in!" She laughed.

You growled. "Well, imagine how that would feel for the people that don't like it? They'd always be in fear of getting their butt destroyed by a crazy person! They'd always be panicking!? Does that sound like the world you want!?" You snapped, rapidly alternating cheeks now to deliver a swift 10 more smacks.






"AAAAIIIIIIEEEE! Well, people better get used to that world, because that's the one we're gonna make together!" She said.

"No, we won't!" You responded, yanking on her panties again and giving her an atomic.

"Kyaaaa!" She squealed. "Aww, why not?" She asked.

"Because I want a world of peace! And heroes! Where everything is fair and people follow the rules! And if you don't you get punished!" You told her, giving her one more spank on each cheek, then a extra-powerful final one to the center of her ass.




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