Before We Begin...

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I would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWS :D

It took me long time to figure out what godly parent I would want my character to have, siriusly, it was a tough decision XD

Now... I'm going to allow other people to add their own OCs if they want, just because I thought it might be fun. Though preferably the one you usually use in stuff. 

If you want your OC in, please fill out this form:

Godly Parent:
Favourite Ship: (please don't all do Solangelo)
What that that ship is like: (to get to understand the characters)
And (this is the fun part) write a small story about how your character would react to someone pranking them by changing their waking alarm to the sound of someone screaming: (this is for me to understand your OC)

Thanks. I'm REALLY looking forward to writing this ^^

My character:

Name: Samantha Inez Otis
Gender: female
Godly parent: choosing...
Looks: pale purple hair, blue/grey eyes.
Personality: cheerful but secretly dying inside.
Story thing: I was a having one of my usual random dreams until I woke to the sound of screaming. I looked for the source of the noise, before I tracked it down to my alarm clock. I turned it off and the screaming stopped. I smiled slightly. Thanks whoever gave this to me, it's great!

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