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I know what you're thinking. "why am I signing up for Heathers?" Plain and simple, I have no clue. As I was walking to lunch, I saw some girl screaming at someone on the ground. I relized who the girl was. It was Kellie. Will told me that Kellie was the popular bitch in every chick flick. He compared Kellie and Drew to every girl in 80's movies. Let's just say, that description was accurate. I also saw the kid on the ground. When I relized who it was I was about to run up to Kellie and pushed her out of the way. Before I could someone else did. I relized that it was Nico. You may be asking who the kid on the ground was? It was Will! Nico started yelling at Kellie and I unfroze and ran over to Will to pull him up?

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Nico said angrily.

" You and your boyfriend are just gross. He deserved it." Kellie said and flounced away

"he's not my boyfriend" Nico muttered." you ok?" he said turning to will.

"yeah I'm fine thanks" will said" come on Lena let's go to lunch" 

" You're coming to" I said to Nico he looked apprehensive, before Will agreed with me. " you two go ahead I have to go to my locker. see you at lunch" I said

As I walked down the hall I saw that there weren't that many people left in the halls. I went to my locker and looked in the stupid mirror my dad required me to have. He said that you always need to look your best even if you look atrocious. My hair still fell in long dark red curtains around my face. If you didn't know Will and I were siblings you could never tell. Will has golden blond hair and tan skin. I on the other hand have long pin straight dark red hair and pale skin with dark green eyes. I grabbed my stuff and went to the cafeteria. I went to a table with Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Thalia, Rachel, and a girl I didn't know. I sat between the new girl and Hazel.

"Hi I'm Calypso" The girl said

"Hi, I'm Lena" I said wishing my voice didn't stutter. I did not do well around pretty girls. Shocker. My bisexual ass managed to stutter at everyone.

Calypso continued chatting with me. I occasionally said "yeah" or "Mmmhmm", but Calypso was good at holding a one sided conversation. I looked around, and saw that Jason was staring at Piper from across the room. Annabeth kept looking at Percy, Frank kept Looking at Hazel, Leo was staring at Calypso. I caught Leo's eye and raised my eyebrows looking from him to Calypso. Leo went red and I whispered to Calypso.

" Look at Leo" I whispered.
" Who's Leo" She whispered back I started laughing but with one look from Valdez I shut up.
" The Latino elf staring at you" I said in a barely audible whisper . Calypso looked around saw Leo, who turned redder. He winked at Her and Callie got a stickie note from out of her back. I saw what she wrote. It said "Call Me ;)" With her phone number on it. Callie got up walked across the room and stuck the note on Leo's head. Malcom looked at me questioningly and I mouthed" Her Number" and Malcom mothed "Oh" our silent conversation was cut short by Jason and Will walking over to our table to ask me something that I really didn't want to answer.

" so Lena, Who are you auditioning for in Heathers?" Jason asked

" wait your doing the musical!?" Piper asked 

" Oh umm yeah My dad wanted me to do it. I umm I'm auditioning for a small role probably. I uhh need to go to the library?" I said unsure

" Yeah we should go work on our math project" Malcom said. He had followed the other boys to our table. 

"Yeah" I said. As we left I saw that Will was looking at me questioningly, but everyone else seemed fine with my answer.

"why did you do that" I asked Malcom

"because watching my sister stare at Percy, and Leo staring at Calypso, makes me want to throw up, and you were the perfect excuse to leave, and get my math homework done." Malcom said awkwardly.

"ok, so we're partners now?" I asked quietly as we enter the library.

"yeah I guess" He said

We split up the work. I should probably explain what the project was. Our Math teacher Ms. Gregory, gave us an assignment to get to know someone new while we waited for our textbooks to show up. Our assignment was for everyone to get a partner, or someone they didn't know well, and create a collage that represented them. To go along with the collage each person had to create a slideshow about the other person. Apparently our teacher was crazy though, because it was due by Friday! Malcom and I worked all of lunch but we barely had it lay out. 

"do you want to come over after school to work on the project?" Malcom asked

"uhh yeah sure" I said quietly and rushed out of the library to get my stuff for the rest of my day of trying to be as quiet as possible. I don't like talking to people or have the attention on me. I'm an idiot for putting my name on that list, but I don't know I guess I just have to figure it out.

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