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Tatum's POV

Veronica and I get back to the Pembrooke that night, and Mom tells us that Hiram is coming home. Here, to Riverdale.

I never really liked my stepfather, neither did he like me. While he was treating Veronica to all sorts of presents, I would get nothing. After all, I wasn't his daughter. 

It wasn't like I minded though, Veronica was so spoiled, and I would hate to have Hiram as a father.


The next day, we're sitting at our regular lunch table. And, Betty's telling us about what Mayor McCoy had asked her and Archie to do.

"I told her I wouldn't do it. Not unless you're up there with us, Jug." Betty says.

"I appreciate the righteous indignation, Betty, I do. But Jubilees aren't my thing." Jughead responds.

"Jug, how's your dad? Did you get in to see him?" Archie asks.

"Here's the latest." Jughead starts. "Mayor McCoy wants my dad to name names in exchange for a lesser sentence." 

"What? Whose names?" Betty asks.

"The Serpents." Jughead answers. "Sheriff Keller thinks they're the ones dealing the drugs that Clifford Blossom brought into the town."

"My dad says more and more drugs are hitting the streets." Kevin tells us.

"Kevin, relax. This isn't The Wire" Jughead says. "My dad says they're not the ones dealing."

"And meanwhile, Mayor McCoy hasn't even said the words Clifford or Blossom in public." I say.

"It's all about how the Serpents are the problem. The villains." Betty adds. "This is outrageous. I'm writing an article about this. And not just for the Blue & Gold, for the Register. This is a town story."

"Okay, as long as the article doesn't include my dad." Jughead says.

"No, it is going to be about your dad, Jug." Betty presses. "It doesn't matter how many Jubilees Mayor McCoy throws. This town's changed. That needs to be acknowledged. Why are people so afraid of the truth?"

"Speaking of the truth." Veronica says to Betty, and she stands up from her seat next to Archie. "Archie and I wanted to tell you..."

"We've kissed a couple times." Archie finishes for her. I don't really think it's that big of a deal, honestly.

"It's okay, V. I appreciate you being honest with me." Betty says, and Veronica sits down. "But I'm with Tatum now. If you guys wanna be together, I'm happy for you."

"Thanks, B." Veronica smiles.

"Thanks, Betty." Archie says.


The next day at school, Veronica and I walk over to the table that Jughead is sitting at.

"Betty's babysitting Polly. Mind if we join you?" Veronica asks.

"Are you sure you wanna sit at the Social Pariah Table?" Jughead questions.

"We've been sitting at it for months." I say, and we take our seats at the table. "Why should today be any different?"

As we sit down, I notice Cheryl coming over to our table.

"Jughead. I'm sorry." She says. "I had no right to pummel you the way I did that day. As recompense, I'd like to give you this." She tosses him something, which he catches.

"My iconic spider brooch." She continues. "It'll catch a pretty penny at the local pawnshop. Enough to keep you in burgers and S t-shirts for years, if not decades."

Dynasty || Betty Cooper [1] [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora