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Tatum's POV

I'm sitting with Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Kevin and Archie, when Cheryl comes over to where we are sitting.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I have an announcement to make." Cheryl says. One that tangentially involves you, Betty. I'm bringing Polly to the dance as my date and we're campaigning as co-queens of Homecoming Court."

"Because why?" Betty asks.

"Because, Nightmare Smurfette, by all rights, it should've been Polly and Jason on that stage being crowned." Cheryl answers. "This is the next best thing. So, don't forget to vote, and I'll see everyone at my coronation." Cheryl then walks away.

"Betty, about the homecoming dance... Can I play a couple songs? I kinda told my mom that--" Archie starts, then cuts himself off when he sees the look on Betty's face. "Whoa. You don't want me to?"

"No, no. It's not that, Arch. It's just um..." She trails off. "This dance needs to be fun. And your songs, as amazing as they are--"

"They make you want to slit your wrists." Jughead interrupts. "In a good way."

"In an amazing way." Veronica adds. "But, no need to fret, Betty, 'cause Archie asked me to sing with him, and we're thinking about doing some upbeat covers."

"We are?" Archie asks, confused.

"Aren't we?" Veronica asks.


The next night, is the Homecoming dance

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The next night, is the Homecoming dance. Betty has told me that Jughead and his dad are having dinner with them, which I find really weird.

Betty has also told me to pick her up at 7:30, so she doesn't have to deal with her mom grilling Mr. Jones for ages. 

I knock on the red door of her house, and it's her mom who answers.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" Alice asks me.

"I'm not here for you. I'm here to take your daughter to the dance." I explain. Alice sighs, and walks away from the doorway.

A minute later, Betty comes out of the house.

"Shall we go?" I ask, offering my hand.

"Yes." Betty smiles, and takes my hand. We get in my car, and then we drive to the dance. We enter the gym, and there's already loads of people here.

"Dance with me?" I ask her, offering my hand again.

"Sure." She answers, smiling. We slow dance along to the music together for a song, then Betty spots that Cheryl is alone, and Polly isn't here.

Betty leaves me alone for a while, and I go to find Kevin. He's standing near one of the tables, obviously waiting for Joaquin to come back.

"Hey, Kev." I greet, and lean up against the table next to him.

"Hi, Tatum. Why aren't you with Betty?" He asks.

"She's off talking to people." I explain. "It's not the first time I've been ditched at a dance."

Joaquin comes over, with drinks for him and Kevin.

"I'm gonna go and see if I can find her." I say to Kevin, and he nods.

Soon, Veronica and Archie go onto the stage and start singing 'Kids in America'. I find Betty, and she looks upset at them.

Betty goes out into the hallway with them after their song, and I follow them.

"Before you get mad, let me explain." I hear Veronica say.

"Explain what? You're working with my mom behind my back?" Betty asks. She's angry.

"I'm sorry, B, but you know FP had some kind of arrangement with my dad." Veronica says. "I had to make sure it wasn't about Jason Blossom."

"And what's your excuse?" Betty asks Archie.

"I was looking out for Jughead, in case FP was doing some shady stuff, to protect him." Archie explains.

"Blame me, Betty. I asked Archie to help me." Veronica says.

"Help you do what? What did you two do?" I ask. They all turn to look at me. They hadn't noticed I was there. I walked up and stood next to Betty.

Then, before they could answer, Jughead comes around the corner.

"Guys." He says, coming over to us. "What's going on? Why do I feel like I'm suddenly left out?" Betty turns to Archie and Veronica.

"Do you want to tell him, or should I?" Betty asks.

"Tell me what?" Jughead asks. Archie and Veronica go around me and Betty to tell him.

"We went to your dad's trailer to..." Archie starts.

"To search it, Jughead." Veronica finishes for him.

"Why would you guys do that?" Jughead asks.

"My mom... put them up to it." Betty answers, and turned around to face him. "She was convinced he was hiding something about Jason."

"We were wrong, all of us." Veronica says. "We didn't find anything."

"Jug, we were only doing it to prove that--" Archie begins.

"That my dad wasn't a murderer?" Jughead cuts him off. "You went behind my back, Archie?"

"Jug..." Archie trails off.

"How did you--? When did you guys know to go to my dad's trailer?" Jughead asks.

"We knew he would be at dinner with--" Veronica stops herself. 

"That's why your mom invited my dad and I to dinner? So these two could break into his trailer while she interrogated him?" Jughead asks Betty.

"No. I didn't know what they were doing." Betty says. "But yes, that's why she invited you guys.

"And to think I was going to pass on moving to Toledo with my family for you guys." Jughead states.

Before anyone could say anything else, Kevin came around the corner, along with most of our parents.

"There they are." Kevin says.

"Betty, thank God." Alice says.

"You have to listen, all of you." My mom says.

"My dad just told Mayor McCoy about your dad, Jughead." Kevin says.

"What about my dad?" Jughead asks, angrily.

"He was just arrested. For the murder of Jason Blossom." Dad answers.

That was when Jughead took off. He left the school, and ran away from all of us who were chasing him.


Archie went back out to look for him, while I stayed at the house with Dad and Mary. I spent a while calling Jughead, but he didn't pick up his phone.

He's obviously pissed at us, and he's probably turned his phone off by now.

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