20: Security Team

Start from the beginning

'Security team?' Xavier's words from yesterday evening hit me.

'He did mention to the police officers about appointing a security team for me, they must be it'

"Logan here is the head of the team." Logan was a man with dirty blonde hair. He acknowledged me with a nod and I nodded in response.

"Carlos, Javier, and Victor are all under him" and I notice all of them nod as their names are called, or so I guess. I simply nod my head back politely.

Carlos and Javier look almost like siblings. Both of them have the same bright green eyes and chocolate brown hair, even their faces have the same features. Victor looks to be the youngest in the group. He has warm piercing honey brown eyes and short black hair. All of them wear the same boring blank expression, their posture firm, and stiff.

"They will accompany you wherever you go, except to school. They will patrol outside the premises but not follow you in. They are to remain guard outside your bedroom in shifts. They will check any room before you enter," announced Xavier as he made his way out towards the door, before turning back, "And lastly you will also have to start training every day with Liam for at least two hours"

It took me a while to absorb Xavier's words. I knew that the situation is serious but it was going to take me a long while to adjust to all of this. I finally look up once I'm done with my self-debate only to find everyone's eyes on me. I give them all a slight nod and mumbled a quick, weak 'Okay if it has to be that way...'

"Okay, now that this is settled all of you kids head to school," Noah says.

His use of the word kids receives a round of scoffs from Jack and the twins. I simply just smile and nod slightly.

The drive to school is short and excessively fast considering that we had delayed in leaving home and yet had to reach school on time. Once on campus, we part ways and head to our respective classrooms.

As I make my way to my next class I get a text from the team captain in the group text asking us to report to our coach's cabin for an urgent team meeting.

So I turn and walk towards his cabin which is in the opposite direction to which I was headed earlier. Almost instantaneous my phone goes off with a text.

Jack: Why aren't you in class? 

'Seriously! Do they need to keep checking the tracker every second?'

Yes, I knew about the tracker. I had a doubt the moment Xavier repeatedly emphasized that I should never take it off and my doubt was confirmed when they got upset when I did not wear it at try-outs.

Initially, I for some reason didn't have a problem with it because I knew they were only keeping an eye on me for my safety, but now it is just getting annoying.

Astoria: Team meeting

And with that, I put my phone away and made my way to our coach's cabin. Once there I'm greeted by the entire team. I move quickly and stand next to Lindsey, my only good friend on the team.

"Do you know the reason for the meeting?" I whisper to her.

She is like the newspaper of the school. Nothing ever gets past her. She just smiles and nodded in the positive, to which I raised a brow in question.

"Our current coach has left the job, I think this is something regarding that," just as she finishes her sentence, another person dressed in a coach uniform clears his throat in a bid to gain everyone's attention.

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